Chapter Five

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When I pulled up to the cafe I saw Anthony sitting at a table on his phone I walked in went to the table & sat down with him he looked up put his phone down & smiled up at me.

“You look beautiful how are you doing” he complemented me

I blushed “Well thank you & I'm doing really great, how are you doing on this lovely evening”

“My day was going good but now its doing excellent, now that you took my offer & wanted to have this lunch date” he said

I just blushed even deeper wguke the waitress came over & asked what do we want I order a frappe & muffin while Anthony order a coffee & a doughnut she wrote it down & walked but not without glaring at Anthony & biting her lip. I don't know why but I just got jealous wait why would I get mad over that he's not even my man.

“So” Anthony piped up “Are you new round here never saw you on this side before?”

“Nope I used to live on the north side but I had got into a little altercation with my ex & I had to get away” I replied

He looked at me worried I guess from the way I was looking “Is everything alright do you need any help?”

“Well not exactly cause my cousins & uncle said they are going to handle it but I don't want them going to jail” I answered

“Are you sure I can't handle it your family doesn't need to get in any kind of trouble I'll swing on any nigga that you got you running like this” he said getting a little mad

“Trust me if you knew my mother side then you would back up & let them handle the situation” I said while getting my frappe taking a sip & mean mugging the waitress when she gave me a nasty look then winked at Anthony, walked away twisting her hips mighty hard.

“Pussy bitch” I mumbled

“What was that?” Anthony asked

“Oh nothing” I said

“Well anyway tell me about your self” he said

“Ok well let me see I'm 23 years old I graduated with honors I'm going to school to be a nurse & my name is Nicki Johnson” I explained

“Hold up Johnson as in Johnson Headquarters” he asked wide eyed

“Yes sir that's my Uncle Joe business ” I said while biting a piece of my muffin

“Oh wow man I know your Uncle yup he's crazy as hell Im scared of him” he said while chuckling a little and drinking some coffee

I giggled and looked at him “Yeah don't cross his path he's half saint & half sinner” I said

“Wait what's a half saint & half sinner?” he asked laughing

“In my family you have saints & sinners but there's more saints then sinners that are trying to be saints but having a hard time trying to turn they life over to god” I explained while drinking the rest of my frappe

“Oh man yo family no joke” he said laughing

“If you think that's something you should come to family reunion or get together its insane” I said while laughing

“Maybe I should” he replied biting his lip & smirking

That's how it went for the rest of the lunch date both of us laughing him making me blush. We finished up said our goodbyes & went our separate ways he told me that he would text me later.

When I got in the car I saw my phone and noticed that I had four missed calls from Corey(oh god) five missed calls from Destiny (Jesus) & eight missed calls from Uncle Joe ( just take me lord) I'm getting cursed out when I get home. I shook my head & drove home praying Corey is tired from work & is sleep.

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