chapter 18

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seth got up from his chair, "so what should we do mates life has us in a pickle. i mean Trenton is lost at sea? Gabe is going to china and was a military general which i find disturbing i mean really there was no one better suited? and gabe was a doctor or did they say scientists I'm confused? And who the fuck elected him as a general, I mean really? And what did he make that was so fucking important that it got on the 911 news channel, the only thing I can imagine a dum-ass like him making is a sandwich. Wow I blew off a lot of steam,  sorry you guys had" Seth stopped the radio started beeping rapidly.then blasted IMPORTANT NEWS {a meteor broken off of the dwarf planet (haumea) is headed towards the pacific ocean when it hits in two days it will cause flooding world wide and weather spikes and could like the last meteor Change how the world works!!!!!!!!} the broadcast ended. Ben looked at everyone "were screwed".

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