Chapter 9

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Ben pulled Jacob into a cellar and said "red pack light" instantly bens hand lit up glowing red the man on the other side of the door saw this and opened the door and suddenly they were standing in the middle of an under ground town. Jake scanned the town taking it all in. then his pants were tugged. he looked down on a one year old trying to stand. Suddenly his hands started to glow red and he changed into a pup and ran into a house. Jake was surprised he looked at Ben."there are three different werewolf's the demon possessed are the one we fought and look like man beasts, the red seals like me and you change into a giant wolf or babies change into puppy's then there's hidden seal which we know nothing about". Jake stared in bewilderment "so we're are we going" Ben pointed to the smallest building on the street "you need to register to fully to turn, first I need to see if you have a weapon". Jakes right hand started to glow and he pulled a katana out of his hand. Ben nodded once and walked into the small building with Jake in pursuit. The Inside looked bigger then the out side but not by much the room was empty besides three desks each had there own description plate the left one said ( WTS ) the right one said ( weapon register ) and the middle one said ( registration ). Ben started to explain "WTS is the (were wolf turning school) and you have to register for classes and weapons must be registered in order to participate, school rules but today we are just getting your weapon and your self registered I'll train you my self to turn". After an hour worth of paper work they were finely done now back on the surface and heading for the black pearl Jake couldn't stop talking and asking silly questions. Ben now on the dock stared at the boat look at Jake and asked " is this really Seth's ?". Jake half way up the gang plank made no reply so Ben just followed. Up on the deck Jake was tackled by Celest squeezing Jake in a bear hug Making Ben feel really uncomfortable until he saw a girl / heather Who was two feet taller then him.

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