Chapter 15

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Trenton was fighting good for no training and such a small weapon only getting whacked In the face four times and managing to stab off a pinky toe but sadly his own has ben crushed he probably would have ben hit more but the fish was slow and Trenton kept slipping on the ice away from it as he tried to slay it. All of a sudden the fish ran, its feet slamming on the ice trying to cause friction. Trenton backed up too hit his head on the main mast the fish was four feet away three, two Trent
Jumped to his left right sliding towards the rail and fell off the boat with one hand he managed to grab the railing with all his might he tried to pull him self up but it was to late tired and exhausted he fell into the cold ruthless water the last thing he remember seeing was more fish people surround him and pull him away.

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