Should I or should I not?

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I held down the doorbell briefly before Mary, Ari’s mom opened the door.  “Oh hiya love I was just on my way out, go on through Ari’s upstairs!” Mary informed me.

“Thanks Mez” I responded.

I walked inside and instantly recognised somewhere I’d been many times.

“Ari” I called.

“I’m up here!”


“Hello!” I exclaimed as I entered her familiar room.

 “T” she squealed embracing me into a hug. 

“Hello you! It feels like I haven’t seen you for such a long time!” I exclaimed letting go of her as I detached myself from our hug.

“Oh my god I totally know what you mean!” she agreed.

We both sat down on her bed, her duvet was floral and all different colours whilst her bed was squishy and comfortable.  I looked around and saw the one direction posters mainly of Zayn which completely covered her walls.  Being a twilight fan there was also many pictures of wolves and vampires taking up Ari’s wall space which is not ideal because I’m terrified of fantasy creatures.

“So what’s the goss? You told me you had news” Ari asked.

I thought for a moment.  Was it time I told Ari what was going on, or would that be a huge mistake? Would she hate me for it? All these questions whizzed through my mind and I didn’t know whether to confide in her or not.  Ari was one of my bestest friends in the whole entire world but I had no idea whether telling her would be the right thing.  I decided not to, as much as I trusted Ari if things went badly this whole thing could get messy.

“Hello, earth to Tina” Ari suddenly said.

“Oh right, sorry!” I quickly apologised.

“The news?”

“Oh right yeah, I was just going to say how determined I am to get rid of my dad!” I lied.

“Is that it?” she questioned.

“What do you mean is that it?” I argued.

“I’m sorry but when you said you had news I imagined it would be a little more exciting than that!”

“Well sorry but it’s not! I told you my news and if you don’t like it I know where the door is!” I argued.

“T, chill out!”

“Sorry Ari, I’m just so stressed out at the moment and I’m taking it out on everyone else! I’m sorry that was unfair of me!” I apologised.

“Stressed about what?”

“Just the whole dad thing going on at the moment and school in general” I lied.

“I’m sorry T, I didn’t realise you were so stressed out at the moment, I didn’t think your whole dad thing was that big a deal to you.  I’m sorry if I provoked you and remember if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here.”

I felt so guilty lying to my best friend.  I sighed.  “Thanks Ari!” I put on a smile.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.  I pulled it out from my pocket.  It was from an unknown number.  I opened the message up and my eyes slowly began reading the message scrolling down when I needed to.  I read this: ‘Hey sexaay ;) I’ve been thinking about us lately, the other week was fantastic, I definitely had the time of my life!  Need to do it again sometime.  I’m free this weekend if you wanna book a room at a motel ;)?! Xxxx’ I felt shivers go up and down my spine.  This guy who I could only assume was Jez had turned out to be a right creep.  I thought that he had forgotten about our time at the party as I hadn’t heard from him since but it turned out I was wrong.

“Who’s your text from?” Ari suddenly asked.

“My mom” I lied again.

“Oh what does she want?”

“Erm just wondering if I’ll be home for dinner.”

“It’s fine, you can stay for supper moms making her famous chilli anyway!” Ari laughed.

I felt so guilty from lying to her, I couldn’t take this anymore. “No it’s ok Ari, I’ve got an essay to finish anyway!”

“Yeah right! Excuses excuses.  I understand, I think I’d rather be doing an essay than have my mom’s chilli for dinner” she laughed.

 I nodded.  “I’ve got to go!” I couldn’t face Ari anymore, not after lying to her.

“Are you sure? Can’t you stay a bit longer? I mean you’ve not even been here one hour yet.”

“No!” I exclaimed raising my voice.

Ari looked offended.  I walked to the door “Bye!” I said slamming the door behind me before she had the chance to say anything more.  I felt my eyes begin to water, I wasn’t going to let this happen.  I quickly escaped from Ari’s house and managed to get round the corner before I had to bring a tissue out to wipe my eyes.  I hated lying to my friends, it just didn’t seem fair.  I didn’t know how much longer I could keep it up.

My phone started to go off.  “Hi” I answered.

“Hey baby!” It was Jez.

“Jez, how the hell did you get my number?” I bellowed down the phone.

“Matt!” he responded.


“You heard me, Matt!”

“You can’t go asking my boyfriend for my number he’ll get suspicious!”

“I told him it was for homework and anyway I thought you’d be happy?” he questioned.

“I’m sorry Jez, I am I’ve just got a lot on my plate at the moment.”

“That’s why you need a nice break away at a motel this weekend” he hinted.

“I’ll think about it.”

“Think, is that all? Please T I’m begging, I’ve missed you.  I just want us to have the whole night together without any disturbance.”

Eww what was he even saying I thought to myself.  Jez was engaged and here he was wanting me.  It made me feel so sick.  “I told you‘ll think about it.  Now if you don’t mind I have to go” I hung up.

I carried on my journey home wondering about how the whole situation would turn out.  I was in a bit of a pickle, there’s no doubt about it.


Ok guys so I’m not gonna make any pathetic excuses as to why I haven’t uploaded like I normally do.  I’m just gonna be honest and admit that I’m pure lazy and couldn’t be bothered.  I’m not gonna go on and say how I’m gonna upload weekly as I normally would say after I haven’t uploaded for months because I know it’s all lies and I won’t stick to it.  I’m just going to say I’m sorry for taking so long to upload and sorry for being a hypocrite because I always complain about how long other authors take to upload their work but I’m just as bad.  So yeah I’m really sorry guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter! ;) Xxx

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