Dead is what he is

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The sun hit his face in a blinding ray. He clenched his eyes tighter and tried to shield them from the sun-Only to find that he couldn’t move his arm, and to try caused great pain. He whimpered and realised that his head was touching the back of his neck.  He lifted his head so that he may observe his surroundings.

His neck was painfully stiff and he found it immensely difficult to make his muscles move. 

His head throbbed violently, and breathing got heavy-He was in the middle of a forest, right outside the hells pass roadblock. 

He looked down. He was completely naked, and his small pale body adorned with cuts and bruises of which he had no memory of acquiring. 

He was then aware that his body had been crucified on a giant spike tree, sharp barbs sunken deep into his flesh, holding him in place.  He cried for help, his voice shaky as he began to sob. No use. 

I’ve got to get down myself he thought bitterly. 

With that, half in anger, half in fear, he started prying his skin from the barbs.

He screamed as they tore through his flesh. Once he detached his top half, his body fell to the ground in a messy heap. 

He groaned and tried to stand, but he could hardly walk.

He burned inside, and began to wonder why.

A large amount of blood-Mostly dried was caked to his inner thighs. 

“Oh. Oh no…please..”

His face contorted to one of great distress.

He shook his head and whimpered. 

Among the spikes he located his bag and star wars T-shirt. 

He slipped on the shirt, the hem just covering his mid thighs. 

Something of greater importance entered his mind: “SHIT! Brian!”

Jeordie was meant to meet up with him, and having no idea of the time was torture.

So, as much as it pained him to walk, Jeordie ran as fast as his small legs would allow through the woods. He just had to get to Brian; maybe he knows at least something about what happened to him.

Tears rolled down his face as he ran, “Please forgive me” he whispered as he followed the old dirt path, the same one that he and Brian had walked.

Jeordie was out of the forest sooner than expected, and was now behind the school.

Now he had to make his way to Brian's house without anyone seeing him.

He made his way there gradually, ducking behind bushes and benches when there were people nearby.

Finally he got to Brians door and knocked 3 times, praying that he would answer. 

No one came, the door was locked.

He went around to the back of the house and luckily the back door was unlocked. He walked through the house, every sound he made amplified by the emptiness.

He limped up the stairs, and located Brian’s room, which didn’t prove to be hard, as he had a Kiss sign, and keep out sticker on his door. 

As Jeordie entered the room he was over whelmed by Brians scent. 

It was so lovely, and carried strongly with it the memory of their first Kiss.

Jeordie was certain Brian hated him, and in his present state, he hated himself more than usual. 

So consumed by in his self-hatred, he wanted to hide from event he light of day itself. 

He went over to Brian’s cupboard and shut himself in it.

He hugged his knees to his chest and sobbed uncontrollably. Everything hurt so much.

Here he would wait for his prince to find him, but he only hoped that his prince was forgiving.

Jeordie didn’t have to wait long, for within a few minutes he heard the door open downstairs with a loud creek, followed by heavy exaggerated  footsteps on the wooden floor.

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