8. That was weird.

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Chloe didn't have other option. Did she? A good friend is supposed to help her friends, and that's What she decided to do.

After leaving Beca in her room, she sent a quick text to her parents telling them she was staying with Aubrey.

Stacie walked downstairs and said bye to Chloe. Chloe didn't think about it twice, she immediately walked to Beca's room and found the brunette laying on her stomach... On the floor. She thought What she should do with Beca to help her, but she ran out of ideas so she googled it.

"Half glass of warm water and an aspirin." she said to herself.

She sat Beca on the floor in case she would choke with her own vomit. She looked for a glass and filled it with water, then grabbed a slice of bread and a bucket, and walked to Beca's room.

"Becs." Chloe tried to shake her a little to wake her up. Nothing.

"Beca..." Beca started to move and opened her eyes a little. "Eat this." she handed her the bread.

"Food." Beca said taking the bread. "Nice, i knew you loved me."

Chloe rolled her eyes with a smile in response.

"I'll be right back, try not to fall asleep, okay? Count to 100 and i'll ask you how far you got when im back."
She went to the bathroom to look for some aspirins for Beca when she wakes up.

"Where the hell is that kit?" she was looking for the same kit they used to heal Beca's hand earlier.

When she found it she opened it and saw the same pills that she saw the last time. She really needed to know why Beca had those.

Before she could keep looking for the aspirin, she heard Beca vomiting.


She ran to Beca's room, and yes, she was lying on the floor about to choke herself with vomit. Nice, i know.

The redhead took the bucket and sat Beca, pulling her hair to a side, she helped her friend with the little business. One of the longest nights of her life was about to start.

"C'mon Becs, you'll have more comfort on your bed." Chloe said helping Beca to get in her bed.

She was about to move Beca's pillos when a piece of paper fell from there. Of course, she recognized it. It was the little note she gave to Beca earlier that day. The fact that Beca saved it made her smile.

"I like it when you call me Becs." She suddenly said, even her drunk voice sent chills to Chloe.

After some good minutes in silence, Beca finally talked again. "Red."

Chloe looked At her, she took it as a que to keep talking.

"Stay with me."

Okay, that was new to Chloe. Beca Mitchell (AKA the don't-touch-me-i-hate-physical-contact girl) was asking her to sleep with her. In the same bed.

Chloe's answer was pretty obvious.

She laid next to Beca. Both of them looking up to the ceiling. Chloe only hearing how Beca's breath started to slow down until the brunette fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, she stood up and closed Beca's curtains because she knew beca would wake up with a big ass headache, then, she laid again next to her friend letting her eyelids to close.

The next morning.

Beca was the first one to wake up.

Everything felt heavy, her head was pounding. She tried to open her eyes, failing miserably. She tried again, and again, and again. And just when she opened one of them, she felt two pair of arms attached to her body and a head over hers.

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