26. It was water

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5:07 AM Chloe was leaving the bathroom, going back to bed. She couldnt sleep, not only because she was hungover and the 'In-n-out' food madr her sick, but Beca's actions were still in her head, to be honest, Beca was always in her head.

Her phone was nowhere to be found and she needed to talk to somebody. Somebody besides Beca.

Taking her laptop, she crawled back to bed, covering her self with her bedspreads. She was surprised when she saw her best friend online.

To: Aubrey

You up?

Chloe typed, not sure if she should send it or not because her friend would probably be asleep. Chloe sent it, not waiting for a reply.

For the red head's surprise, Aubrey replied within 10 seconds.

From: Aubrey

I am, why are you awake? You should sleep.

The red head smiled, Aubrey always acted like a big sister with Chloe. Aubrey always make sure Chloe was okay and that her grades werent dropping.

To: Aubrey

Can i call you?

She simply asked, her eyes started to burn for the light that her screen was giving her and she wasnt going to type everything.

Aubrey didnt reply, instaed she called Chloe in a video chat.

"Where's your phone? I texted you." Aubrey said. She looked and sounded like crap, hoarse voice, black bags ubder her eyes, hair messy.

"I think i left it in Beca's car." Chloe explained trying to remember how she got home, not sure where she left her phone.

"Beca bringed you home?"

Chloe nodded. "It was a strange night..."

"Tell me everything." Aubrey said, making herself comfortable in front of the webcam.

"Well, remember when you dragged me to the dance floor?" Aubrey nodded. "A guy started dancing with me and he started to like have sex with my leg?" Chloe said making the blonde laugh out loud.

"You're so innocent." Aubrey laughed.

"Im sorry, professional whore." Chloe said sarcastically. "Anyways, i dont know where she came from but Beca appeared next to me the second the guy started to take me by the hips."

"Somebody was jealous." Aubrey said moving her eyebrows up and down. "What did the hobbit do? I mean she's 5 ft 2", she cant do much."

"well she didnt beat him BUT..." Chloe trailed down, not sure how Aubrey would react. "She told the guy, and i quote, "she's mine, you can hit on anybody here but not her" and she dragged me out of the club with HER hand on MY waist."

Aubrey's jaw fell, she didnt expect this from the midget.

"but maybe she was drunk and thought i wouldnt remember this. But yeah, she spent two hours next to the bartender drinking vodka or something."

Aubrey was silent, Aubrey knew the truth. "Chloe, honey." She said taking the red head's attention. "That was water, Beca was the responsible driver."

Chloe felt something, was it happiness? surprise? Vomit? It was vomit. She rushed to tha bathroom and came back 3 minutes later.

"You okay?" Aubrey asked.

"Yeah, i think i got food poisoment from the in-n-out i shared with Beca, besides all the alcohol from last night." She explained.

"So you think Beca feels something for you?" That question took Chloe by surprise. "You told hee your feelings, its time for her to grow some balls."

"She doesnt have a crush on me." Chloe said. "Im her friend, and that's what friends do."

Aubrey hummed in response because she saw the way Beca acted around Chloe, she saw the way Beca looked at Chloe and everything she did for her. Everyone could see it.

"Try to sleep, okay?" Aubrey asked.

Chloe nodded and ended the call, trying to go back to sleep.

Beca drived to an empty alley where Lilly told her to leave the car, Beca didnt ask, she did what she was told and left.

Around 4:57 AM got home, trying to be quiet in vain since her mother was waiting for her at the end of the stairs.

"Where were you?" Caren asked.

"its too late, you really want to do this now?" Beca leaved the keys next to the door and walked towards her room, only to be stopped by her mother.

"You just said it, its too late. Why are you home late?" Caren the  sniffed. "and smelling like alcohol?!" She dragged her daughter to the living room and sat her on the couch.

"Who were you fucking? You know how men take advantage of young girls like you? You do. Im always the cool mother, allowing you to do everything you want, you know what if you wanna go and fuck a random guy do it im not going to-"


Not the best way to come out.

Beca tried to stop her mother from rambling tons of times, Caren was getting to Beca's nerves and she couldnt take it.

Tears were rolling down Beca's face, she was afraid of falling in love and she just said what scared her.

Her mother was speechless, just standing there trying to form a sentence. She sat next to Beca and grabbed her face so now they were looking at each other.

"Look at me, im sorry i yelled. You scared me, you dissapeared from 8PM to now, i didnt know how to react." She explained whipping the tear that was rolling from her daughter's face. "I dont care if you love a guy or a girl or a box of cereal, i just want you to be happy. You are the same little hobbit for me whatever sexuality you chose. I still love you and always will."

More tears started to roll down Beca's face, she needed to hear those words. She hugged her mother tight, Caren was taken off guard, Beca hardly ever hugged her, and this brought fresh tears to her face.

"I wont ask you who she is, but i still want to know why you came home late, okay?" Beca nodded on her mother's shoulder.

Caren stood up and went to the kitchen, coming back with two mugs of tea on her hands.

Beca explained everything, she told her about the competition, the panic attack, the party and Chloe's parents; Her mother just got the confirmation she needed, she didnt need her daughter to tell her the name of the girl she liked, she knew it, her daughter was falling for Chloe.

After a long talk that lasted at least an hour, Caren went back to bed as well as Beca.

Beca left her and Chloe's phones on her desk and undressed herself, checking the time she got in her bed and looked at Chloe's lock screen. It was a picture of Chloe and Aubrey, they were sticking their tongues out.

Without realizing it, a smile appeared in Beca's face.

A/N im so sorry for the long wait, i hardly had time. I will post chapter number 27(? in 4 or 8 days. It will be a short chapter.

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