Chapter 8

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Tears were flowing from her eyes, she stood and ran in his arms, he too had tears in his eyes, " i am so sorry jaan, just so sorry for my words i luv u." he whispered, "i luv u, u knw u r an idiot, but i luv u alot." she whispred and hugged him, they both laughed lightly.

This was the best evening they spent togther.She cud not beleve all this was happening to her,she only heard of it or read in novels,she was so excited to be wid him but,,happiness never stays for long or does it?

Soon she got a call from her mom and unwillingly, dey drove back.On the way back Devika asked, "by the way, where were we? whose house is that?"

"My friend's house, his parents were out of station, he told me at college and i grabbed that opportunity." and he pulled her nose lovingly, she smiled.

As he dropped her home he said, "i am going home for 10 days, and then will return for my training and major exams, Do miss me ok? and i will try to talk to my parents about us hmm?" she nodded, "i will miss u alot." 

"Me too, i hate distance between us." Suyash said and looked away, she too did not made any eye contct bcz dey both knew it will mke them weak. As she turned, Suyash called her " hey, any news of Ishan?" she shook her head, "No, i am really tensed wat had been wrong wid him, its been more than 3 months and there are no signs of him, i call him evryday its swtched off,even dont have any other number on his side." she said getting worried.

"hmm dont worry, evrything will be fine, Pray to God for his well being." and wid dat they finally gave a quick hug to each other and bid farewell.

Those 10 days were so hard for Devika to stay widout him, altough technology have done wonders for lovers, they were in touch constantly thru sms and chats over fb but seeing each other in person has its own importance.Suyash told her he could not talk to his family as his father was quite unwell, she did got a little scared but did not showed it to him. On the 8th day, Suyash called her wen she was in office, she disconncted the call, he kept calling again and again. 'he never calls during office hours, must be somthnf important' thinking that, she rushed towards the washroom to talk.

"Hello., hello Devika, Papa is so serious, he has suffered an attack, we rushed him to hospital, i am so worried, mum is crying incosolably." he said in panick.

She felt shocked wid da sudden tragedy, "listen Suyash, Dont worry ok, he will be fine, u please take care of evryone, Sunty needs u most this time ok?" she tried to calm him down.

They both talked for a while and she returned back to her cubicle.She was sensing things will turn in wrong direction now onwards. She was right, it eventually did.As Suyash's father was not well he decided to tdo his summer training in his city itself.That wud meant, for next 1 month he will be there and she know one thing, situations were not like he could talk to his family about it. There was probably no choice but to accept it.They both use to miss each other lot, but this distance cud not affect deir love. One day she was hearing her playlist and suddenly she gots a call, it was Ishan's number. She sat and wid a pounding heart received his call, "Hello" came his husky voice.

"Hey hii, where have u been, i had been calling u evryday." she replied.

"just some family issues took place and i had a bad accident too." he answered.

"ohh, how are you now?" she asked.

"i am fine but ae you fine? you are not behaving like i expcted u to. tell me wats wrong?" he asked.

She kept silence and gathered her courage to tell him the truth.

"Ishan i.. i think i am in luv wid Suyash." she spoke fumbling.

"i know that, bcz if u were in luv wid me u wud hav gone mad, crying, today wen i called u after 4 months.I guessed it before too, and i expcted this to happen. Dont worry, we were good friends and we always will be." he replied calmly.

She was filled wid guilt, was she herself knew wat she wanted in life? At evry phase defination of love had changed for her.But only her heart knew wat she had felt in those 4 months, although she was very happy wid Suyash but evry night she cried for backstabbing Ishan, his trust. 

Seeng her silent Ishan continued, "you dont have to feel guilty, i am equally responsible for this bond between us to end. Dont worry about me, i will end up Wd sum1, my parents are already searching a match, i will mke myself fall in luv wd my woul-be-wife, Dont worry, but be sure you r sure about ur feelings for Suyash before marrying him."

"Ishan, u will always be a good friend, i will always.." Ishan cut her in between and continued, "Listen Devika i am sorry, i am not dat a good human being, i cannot be friends wid u and watch u and Suyash loving each other, i am not that strong. I dont express much but that doesnt mean i dont feel anything. And lets end on a good node, nothing bad, nothing to hate about each other, no step forwad and no step backward, just end it happily. Good bye and my best wishes." with that he disconnected with a thud. She felt speechless, she was feelin like the most selfish person but she cudnt pretend and chose to be bad rather than cheating a pure heart. She cried whole night, Suyash called her few times, she didnt wanted to talk to him for a while.

Days passed by, she was feeling more worse.Ishan and his words kept on haunting her and Suyash too got busy with his family and training, but they both were trying their best not to fight wid each other. The month was finally going to get over and both of them were waitng eagerly to meet each other as Suyash would be back for his exams, dey both were planning surprises for each other. Suddenly a call changed evrything.

It was friday night, Devika was havng dinner wid her family, her phone rang, she didnt picked up, his father scolded her, "put it off for sometime, atleast wen u r eating." "Sorry papa" she said and kept it on silent.

Later in her room she checked her cell there were 5 miscals.She called back.A female spoke,

"is dis Devika?" 

"mm ya, whose dis?" Devika asked back.

"hey hi, dis is Pragya ths side, sorry for disturbing u at night but it was urgent." she said.

Devika couldnt believe it, why wud she call her, she didnt expcted it in he wildest dreams, she aswered, "Oh no its fine, tell me why u called?"

"I am down at Jaipur wid Suyash's family, just came yesterday, i went to see his dad, and he asked me that he wants to see me and him get married as soon as possible, probably, just after his exams." she said .

Devika have a vague idea dat dis wud happen someday, but dis early, she didnt expcted.She didnt knew wat to say, to her relief, Pragya spoke after a while.

"i know how u must be feeling, but dont worry, i will somehow manage, its that uncle is not well so i was thinking i cud postpond it and wen he is fne later, we will somehow make him understand, Suyash has told about u like a friend at his home, he hav told her family how ur family likes hm and take care of him, they r impressed by ur family so may be they wud agree." Pragya said wid confidence.

Devika felt relieved, "hmm, ya i dont want uncle to get affected at all. anywys, thank u for calling me and telling me al this."

"yaa, and listen i just want to say, thanks, u have actually change Suyash alot, he is more responsible towrds his duties now, are we friends?" said Pragya.

"Hmm sure we are." replied Devika.

"ok, thanks, talk to u later hmm? bye" and wid da PRagya disconnected the call.

Devika kept thinkng for a while, Marriage? will her parents agree? Normally she wud hav wanted Suyash to convince his parents first and then she would hav talked to her parents, but now if situaions turn this way, she might have to tell them first. She was waiting for these 2 days to pass as Suyash was expcted to come by Monday. On saturday she was shopping wid her mom, she was having an enjoyable day, it had been a long while since she had spent good time wid her. At ight, Suyash talked to her telling how much excited he is to meet her after about 45 days, they both had a lovly late night conversation nd she slept smiling.

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