Chapter 7

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She called Suyash and told him about Ishan, Suyash fell silent, he knew it was Devika's attempt to get away from him, he accepted it wid a smile [ofcourse a fake on..!]

The situation was-Ishan and Devika were committed, Pragya and Suyash were engaged but Suyash and Devika were actually falling for each other, and evryday this was growing.One day Devika went out of station for 10 days, these 10 days, she was away from both IShan and Suyash and she was happy wid her family but on the other hand, Suyash was going mad, he was missing her like hell, he use to go evryday and check she had returned or not. The day She came back at nyt, she switched on her cell and as soon as she did it was Suyash calling her, "u r back ryt? i saw uncle's car parked." he said

"yeaah.. i felt so good yaar, i think v shud holiday more, anyways i am tired, can i sleep? i will talk to u tommorrow ok?" she was really sleepy.

"before dat, just once come out, for 5 minutes, please." he requested.

"Wat?? dis late? r u crazzy? Noway..! Mum dad will kill me idiot." she retorted.

He kept on requesting and finally she agreed. Devika came out from her room, checked her parents were in deep sleep, she slowly locked deir door from outside and tip-toed to the Main door, as she came out and searched Suyash thru her mobile's light, Suyash came and took her in his arms, Devika tried to get away from his hold but he kept hugging her tighter, "i missed u so much Devika, dese 10 days were like 10 years to me, i luv u alot." he whispered.

She cud not believe it, she also cudnt kept her fake attitude for long, she too held him tightly, "i luv u too" she whispered.

They both were so happy to held each other, da overflowing emotions were difficult to control, Suyash was caressing her hairs lovngly, suddennly Devika pushed him away, "No, i cant do dis, Suyash i cant, Pragya and u are enagaged in front of ur family, wat will u say to dem , wat will she feel? No i cant snatch u away from her.And Ishan, how will he feel? No this is wrong, so wrong." and she ran away inside her house.She slept crying for hours.Net day when she was returnng from office, Suyash came to pick her up and took her to the restro. 

She was trying her best to not look at him, bcoz he was looking the best boy dat day, clean shaved, black shirt, blue jeans, and it was making him look more fairer, he was in formals for the first tym. Suyash showed him a his cellphone asking her to read the messages, those were:

He: Pragya, i am really sorry i want to tell u something.

Pragya: hmm speak up, n dont b sorry.

He: i luv Devika.Dont knw wen did dis happen, i am so so sorry.

Pragya: i knw dat, i knw dis from day 1, and dont b sorry, staying away from u i too hav realised v were just best friends and not lovers, i am happy in mumbai and have no plans to return back, and obviously not to get married.I also hav smthng to tell u, i am living in a flat here, and i share dis flat wid a guy from my office, i think i luv him. And now wen u r sure and u admitted, i think i too will b happy wid him not u.Dont worry, live ur life, u r free from my side.We wll make our families undrstnd, dont worry.

Devika kept looking at screen for a while, she looked up at Suyash and then back on screen, "Can things get more complicated?" she asked him.

He shrugged his shoulder and replied, "Now u knw u r not snatching me from her, please dont control urself more, please, just be mine."

She answered back,"Ok, PRagya's problem is solved but Ishan? i dont have guts to say dis to him, he will broke down, he will lose his belief from the word love."

"we will think abt it, and deal wid him, dont u worry please." he tried to convine her.

"hmm and our future? u r younger to me Suyash, i am independent, working, and u r still in college, and i hardly see u going to collge." she spoke her fears.

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