Geek to Chic Chapter 1

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Okay guys, this is my first time writing a whole story like this so it might be quite bad. Just to let you know, I wrote all the chapters before hand so, I will definietly post each part every Saturday or Friday, but not quite sure yet. So anyway, the chapters at the begining of the story are quite short, so sorry about that. 

Yeah, it's probably not the best story ever but, I tried, and I put a lot of effort into this so I hope it's half decent haha :D anyway, I'll let you read it now...

Once again, I'm the new girl in school, the freak as most people call me. I hate how people judge you when they don't even know anything about you, it's ridiculous.

I'm walking through the school hallway, looking down at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with other people, because in my last school when I looked at some horrible girl, she slapped me across the face for no reason. So obviously I slapped her one back, and then it broke out into a fight and that's when I got expelled and got moved to this school. 

Normally I wouldn't stick up for myself, I'm one of those innocent, nerdy type of girls, but after all the years I had been bullied by various people about my looks and how weird I am, I just didn't want to take that crap anymore and I thought to myself  'Hey, what have I got to lose?' and just slapped her one back. 

I also don't have any friends, and when I say 'I don't have any friends', I seriously mean that, I have never really been brave enough to actually talk to people (apart from my parents of course) you could say I'm socially awkward. Even if I did want to make friends, nobody even wants to talk to me so I couldn't even if I did try.

I have finally approached my classroom after one million years of walking (well it felt like it anyway because it's a massive school). I open the classroom door to find everyone sitting in their seats, staring at me. My teacher gestures for me to come over, so I slowly walk towards the front of the class. (I always dread this part, having to stand in front of the whole class and say who you are and tell them things about yourself). "Welcome to Bridgeway High School, we will be teaching you maths in this class, do you enjoy maths?" Miss Pringle asks (well that's what the name is on her badge) I quietly answer the question saying "No, not particularly" Miss Pringle then asks another question (when is this torture going to be over?) "What is your name?" I look up at the class saying "Aubrey Hemmings" 

"Well, Aubrey, would you like to go and sit down next to Michaela?" Miss says pointing to the desk next to the most plastic looking girl I had ever seen. I am serioulsy doomed, why do I, Aubrey Hemmings, have to sit down next to the most popular looking girl in the whole class?! It just isn't fair.

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