Chapter 3

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Ashley P.O.V

"So who is he?" Josh asked me with his hand wrapped around my neck.

"J-josh he's j-just a...friend." I choked out losing more oxygen.

He picked me up by my neck and threw me against the wall. I fell and cut my leg against the table. He walked over to me and grabbed my leg squeezing it. The pain was impeccable and I screamed but that only pissed him off more. I felt the sting of the back of his hand come across my face. He kicked me in my stomach then walked upstairs.

I cried holding my stomach...I should've stayed with Dee.

He came down the stairs and threw a bag outside then walked back over to me and grabbed me by my hair dragging me outside.

"Josh please I'm sorry." I cried.

"No fuck you Ashley." He yelled throwing me on the porch.

He walked back in the house and shut the door. I sat there not wanting to cry anymore. I laid back on the porch in pain from the beating I'd received. My leg was in agonizing pain. There was no one I could call because I'd given up all my family and friends to be with Joshua and now that's what I regret the most. I laid there and thought about Dee. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Hello?" He answered.

Hearing his voice for some reason gave me some kinda hope that I wasn't gonna die tonight.

"Hey." I trembled from the cold weather.

"Ashley is that you?" He questioned.

I felt a strong pain come from my leg and I groaned in pain.

"Yea its me." I choked out.

"Ashley are you ok?" He asked.

" I know we just met and all you think I could stay with you for tonight?"

"Yea of you want me to come get you?"


"Yea I'll be there in five ok."


I hung up and laid back letting my eyes close. A few minutes later I heard a car pull up but didn't have the strenght to sit up or open my eyes. I heard feet coming toward me then someone picked my head up. I opened my eyes seeing Dee and got the tingly feeling but it only made my stomach hurt worse.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

I shook my head feeling a tear come down my face.

" l...leg."I studdered from pain of my aching body.

"It's gonna be ok...alright? trust me?" He asked me.

I nodded my head.

I looked up and watched him rip the sleeve off his shirt. I didnt know what he was doing till he wrapped it around the cut on my leg. I moaned from the pain but took it as he tied it tight. He grabbed my bag and put it over his shoulder. He picked me up and I was scared because I didn't want him to drop me because of my weight. He carried me to the car and put me in the passenger seat and buckled me in. He got in too and drove off. Eventually we pulled up in his driveway and I couldn't help but stare at his house.

It was beautiful.

He picked me up again then grabbed my bag and walked into the house. He carried me up stairs and placed me on the counter in his bathroom. He took the make shift bandade he had on my leg off and threw it away. He went under the cabinet and pulled out some alcohol, a towel, and a bandage wrap.

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