Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

~Taylor’s Point Of view~

“I still don’t understand why you just didn’t answer my calls! I’ve been worried sick, God knows where you had run off to!” I scolded Josh, shoving him into wall.

“And what the fuck do you mean you want to move back to Leicestershire, are you crazy?!” I stated shoving him again as he held my shoulders, trying to calm me down.


“No Josh, you told me yourself, growing up, it was your dream to move out to London! And look, here you are. You think Valerie and I are just going to let you go back home, you must be crazy! I need you like butter needs jelly and-”

“Taylor,” Josh chuckles quietly, “You’re drunk. Darling, butter doesn’t need jelly.”

I shook my head, “Clearly I have had something to drink. Sorry I’ve been worrying about your sorry ass all day! I was supposed to take care of Lacey with Niall and Valerie and instead I had to run around London looking for you!” I shouted at Josh pounding my hands against his chest.

He wrapped his own hand around my smaller one, bringing my arms down so I couldn’t punch him anymore.

“Calm down, Taylor you’re blowing this out of proportion!” He told me patting my upper arm.

I sighed, shaking my head, “I can’t believe you could do this! How can you just pack your bags and leave Valerie and Lacey a-and me?”

“I just need to figure out what I want to do with my life Taylor. I realized, I don’t want to go to college. Maybe heading back home is good thing to do, clear my mind.”

I angrily shoved my face into his chest, begging the tears not to spill. I needed Josh, as much as I hated to admit he was like my other half, we just understood each other with our lame arguments and our late night angry phone calls about random shit.

It was that or the alcohol was really making me emotional. And to top it off, it was my time of month.

Josh wrapped his muscular arms around my waist as I breathed in his scent.

“You can’t leave, Josh.” I mumbled against his chest.

“You really are drunk, aren’t you?” He laughed patting my back as I let out an angry groan.

“Maybe I drank a little something, but I’m not drunk!” I said, being completely honest. I was sober, it’s just that my thoughts were a little scattered.

Josh chuckled as he pulled me away from his perfectly toned chest and looked into my eyes, a serious expression on his face.

“I don’t know if you’re being serious, why do you care so much? I’ll be back, I’ll only be gone for a couple of months!”

I slapped my hand against my head, “A couple of months!? That’s exactly why I’m angry you can’t just leave me!”

Josh smiled, well it was more like a smirk but it still brightened his facial structure.

“You’re making it sound like we’re dating, Taylor.”

I groaned throwing my hands up in the air, “Well you know what, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I am a girl and I have these stupid emotions, I’m sorry that I’m going to miss calling you in the middle of the night ranting about the fact that Valerie ate the last slice of pizza, I’m sorry that I’m not going to see you for-”

Josh cut me off when he pressed his forehead against his. My breathe caught in my throat, and it felt like the air was knocked out of my lungs. I felt so uncomfortable yet it felt so, right.

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