Chapter 16

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*Zayn's POV*

I had no idea why I dealt with it anymore, All of the fighting. I needed to end it, but I couldn't.

I had fought so hard for her, so hard to make her mine. I couldn't just give it all up. But she wasn't the same, she wasn't cheerful anymore, she was insecure, she wouldn't tag anymore and she rarely ever said I love you back...

She walked into the apartment about five minutes after our argument. I watched her as she stormed right past me and into the bedroom.

She came out a minute later with her black duffel bag, but it was full of clothes, not her spray paint.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I looked at her bag then to her.

"I'm done, I'm staying with Liam. It's university or me Zayn, so you have until tomorrow to decide, that's when I'll either be back to stay or back to get my things." Her eyes were cold, no emotion.

"You are fucking insane Angelica, what do you have against university!" I yelled.

"You don't need it Zayn! You would be abandoning me!" She snapped.

"Not everything is about you Angelica! I'm going so I can get an education, get a real job, get money and be able to afford a life for the two of us! But you are insane! So fucking go, go into the arms of Liam." I shook my head, I could feel my heart hurt.

"So this is it, we're done, it's over?" Her emotionless expression fell, her face suddenly going soft.

"Guess so Angelica, have fun with your life." My voice cracked.


"No! You are not doing this Angelica! You are not starting a whole scene and then suddenly begging for forgiveness! You are a leech, you cause suffering but you never fucking let go! I'm done Angelica! You're the one who needs to decide, being insane or being my girlfriend!" I was done, I snapped, she pushed me to the edge and I just swan dived off.

"I love yo-"

"Get out." I love you to.

"Okay... Fine, you're finally free from the leech!" She hissed and stormed out.

*Angelica's POV*

I stormed out of the building and to the streets below, tears were flying down my cheeks.

I was insane, I was a damn psychopath! But I needed to find a way to make him see the mistake he had made!

NYU, if I went to NYU, he would have to realize the mistake he made. It was insane, the effect Zayn had on me was driving me crazy, I would end up in a mental hospital before I ended up in NYU at this rate.

Liam was the only one who could decide this for me, do I let Zayn go or try one last time...

I went straight to his complex, which was fucking beautiful. I went up to his apartment and knocked on the door.

I heard footsteps and Liam pulled the door open.

"How did it go?" He asked, moving so I could walk in.

"It's over, I thought he would pick me over school but we broke up..." I held back sobs.

"Angelica I'm sorry." He sighed, hugging me. He was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt, I had never seen him so casual.

"Liam I can't let him go this easily, you need to help me decide... NYU or give up?" I asked.

"I thought that you hated the idea of NYU?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"I hated the idea of Zayn Leaving me." I sighed. "and that's exactly what happened, he left me."

"Angelica, you left him... It's your choice to make. All I know is you love him, this isn't the end of you guys." He assured me.

*Zayn's POV*

Louis was laughing so hard his face was red.

"You called her a leech! That's perfect!" He continued to laugh, my anger growing. "I knew it would happen eventually, she was a bitch." He started laughing even harder.

I waited for his laughter to stop, then I punched him right in the nose.

"Ow what the fuck!" He covered his nose.

"Don't call her a bitch." I snapped.

"You guys broke up did you not!?" He looked at the blood on his hands and cursed under his breath, walking to my kitchen and grabbing a cloth.

"I- Yeah, but you can still shut the fuck up." I spit.

"Oh my god you still love the bitch, get over it, you two are over. We'll find lots of hotties in NYU." He wiped the blood off his face.

"You make it out like I'm actually going to be your friend when Uni starts up." I shook my head.

"You have no other friends Zayn, don't lie to yourself." He smirked.

"Get out." I groaned.

"No, you still owe me for the stuff." He crossed his arms.

"No I don't?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes you do, fifteen joints dude, you still owe me." He threw the bloody cloth in the sink.

"Fine, fuck." I opened my wallet and threw the rest of the money down on the counter, he grabbed it and smiled.

"Great, enjoy your grieving." He shoved the money in his back pocket and walked out.

I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands. Angelica was supposed to be permanent, she was supposed to be the one I was with until the end.

My mind was telling me to forget her, but deep down I knew, it wasn't over. It was impossible that it was the end.

Yet I didn't listen to that feeling, I listened to my mind. I told myself it was over, I told myself that Angelica was just a fling, I told myself that she felt the same... I believed it.


I'm sorry... That hurt like a mother fucker to write.

If you haven't guessed it by now, this story is coming to an end soon.

Don't forget about the sequels though, they're going to be exciting.

But yeah, the breakup that we've been expecting has happened. But it doesn't mean the end of them, no what José.

I love you all, a lot, a lot lot lot.

Final chapters coming up in the next few days.

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