Chapter 6

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*Zayn's POV*

I sat on the fire escape, lighting the cigarette I had in between my lips and leaning my head against the brick wall.

What is wrong with me, I hated her, I hated her up until the day she came to stay with me. That day I realized that I couldn't hate her, it was almost impossible.

I took a long drag from my cigarette as I heard Angelica in the bedroom, since the window was open.

She was humming to herself, I just stared to the building across the alley.

*Angelica's POV*

I glanced towards the window, seeing a small bit of smoke. I walked over and climbed onto the fire escape, Zayn not even acknowledging me.

I sat down and glanced at the pack of smokes next to him.
"You want one?" He looked to me.
"What? Oh, no." I shook my head, looking to the alley below. "Hey, would you know of any apartment buildings with cheap rent around here?" I asked, I wanted to see how he would react.

I saw him clench his jaw and take another drag of his smoke.
"No..." He mumbled.
"Ah... I'll just look up some places later or something." I looked to my hands.

I kind of liked living with him... Wait, no! No I didn't! He was an ass... I mean... Sometimes he was nice.
"How long have you smoked?" I was uncomfortable in the silence.
"Since I graduated I guess..." He slightly shrugged, blowing the smoke in front of him.
"Ah..." I nodded.

*Zayn's POV*

I stood up and put the smoke out on the railing, slipping the pack in my pocket.

I just stepped over her and climbed into the bedroom. I grabbed my skateboard from beside the door as she climbed back into the room as well.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"What does it look like." I put the board under my arm. "I'm going to go skateboarding."
"Oh... Could I just come watch?" She asked.
"I don't care." I turned and walked out of the bedroom and to the front door.

I went down the the alley beside my building, Angelica following behind me. She sat on one of the turned over garbage bins and I just kind of ignored that she was their.

I road for a few minutes, just trying to clear my mind. She just kind of watched me, making it difficult to ignore her.
"Could I try?" She broke the silence, I came to a stop and kicked my board into my hands.
"Have you ever ridden before?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No, I just want to try." She shrugged.
"Yeah, sure." I handed her the board.

She slightly smiled as I leaned against the brick wall, lighting up another cigarette.

*Angelica's POV*

I balanced myself on the skateboard, pushing myself foward a bit but instantly falling.
"Shit..." I groaned, sitting up.

Zayn laughed quietly, watching the board roll away. I got up and grabbed it, determined to actually make it somewhere without falling.

I tried three more times, falling over and over. Zayn looked very amused, making me angrier by the second.

He put out his cigarette and walked over.
"Do you want help?" He asked, picking up the board.
"No..." I mumbled.
"Mhm." He helped me up and put the board by my feet. "Stand on it."

I stood on the board, crossing my arms.
"I don't need help." I refused to look weak in front of the prick.
"Yes you do." He laughed. "Now, while you are moving, you lean to whatever side you want to turn to."

I sighed and nodded.
"How do I stay balanced?" I asked.
"Just don't think about falling, focus on where you want to go." He smirked as I accepted his help.

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