Chapter 7

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*Zayn's POV*

"Fuck off Louis." I mumbled as I walked down the sidewalk, Louis walking beside me.
"What's got you down Malik?" He smirked.
"Fuck you." I hissed.
"You fight with princess prissy?" He laughed slightly, causing me to ball up my hands, it took all my power to not punch him.
"Go bother some cops or something." I snapped.
"Oh so something did happen with Alley Angel didn't it?" He realized he had struck gold. "She move out, leave you all alone?" He grinned.
"Fuck you!" I punched him, full force, connecting with his jaw.

He stumbled back and fell onto the sidewalk, staring at me in disbelief as he covered his bleeding nose with his hand.
"Karma is bitch." I hissed at him and continued walking.

He had broken my nose, hopefully I'd broken his. I lit another cigarette and took a long drag, turning a corner and blowing out the puff of smoke. I saw a cop walking in my direction, Officer Dawson, Fuck.

I looked down, this guy was an asswipe.
"Zayn Malik." He stopped in front of me, grinning.
"Doughball." I mumbled, blowing a puff of smoke from the corner of my mouth.
"What a coincidence seeing you here, I just happened to see some tags that looked like yours. On the police station." He cracked his fat knuckles.
"Coincidence indeed, but I don't tag officer, it's against the law and I am nothing but a loyal citizen." I held a hand to my chest and stood up straight.
"Oh shut up smart ass, they were exactly like your passed tags we've brought you in for." He lifted up a photo of two tags, but they weren't mine... They were Angelica's.
"Wait, those aren't mine." I shook my head.
"Sure, turn around Zayn." He grabbed his cuffs off his belt, I'd been taken in so many times already.
"Look, I know I tag a lot but those are not mine." I groaned and turned around, putting my hands behind my back.
"Just shut up." He shook his head, tightening the cuffs on my wrist.

I spit my smoke out of my mouth and stomped it out. I followed him a little ways to his cop car and got in, so used to the process.


"Hey Laura." I nodded to the secretary as we walked into the police station.
"You again Zayn." She shook her head and smiled slightly.

Laura was young, about 21, she was hot. A tall, slender, brunette with dark, dark brown eyes. I wouldn't mind getting closer with her, and I knew she wouldn't mind getting closer with me, I mean, most girls fell for me instantly.
"Me again." I grinned.
"You're behind the tags on the windows aren't you?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Well, those weren't me, I believe mine would have been more like 'Fuck you Doughball'." I glanced to Officer Dawson and smirked.
"So you're saying you're innocent?" She laughed at my words.
"Trust me Laura, I'm not innocent." I grinned as 'doughball' began dragging me off.

It wasn't the same talking to Laura like it was talking to Angelica... I didn't love Laura, she was some hot girl who worked for the asshole squad, aka cops. But Angelica was on my side, defying the law, hating the cops, fucking gorgeous.
"Malik." Doughball snapped me back to reality.
"What?" I looked to him.
"Into the holding cell." He nodded to the small holding cell in front of us.
"Nah." I shook my head.
"It wasn't a suggestion." He hissed.
"But why would you lock up a citizen who was falsely accused?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Well, do you know who did it?" He asked.


"Maybe." I nodded.
"Who would that be." He shook his head, probably already sick of me.
"Maybe it was Zero." I shrugged.
"You mean Louis Tomlinson?" He gave me a blank stare.
"Yeah." I grinned.
"I highly doubt that Malik, you blame everything on him whenever we bring you in."
"Well that's who did it." I simply stated.
"In the cell Zayn." He pushed me into the cell and took off my cuffs.

*Angelica's POV*

"Niall I'm just gonna... Go for a walk..." I sighed, slipping on my black boots.
"Oh, sure." He looked to me from where he was on the couch and smiled.
"I'll be back later." I slipped on my black sweater and left the apartment, going to the street below.

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