Chapter 2

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*Angelica's POV*

"Where can I sleep?" I asked, looking out the window at the dark city.
"Just take the bed..." Zayn mumbled, digging through a bag of paint.
"But where will you sleep?" I questioned, watching as he searched.
"I have a couch." He answered. "Pretty sure you've seen it." He growled.
"Oh... Well thanks." I mumbled, walking to the bedroom and sitting on the old bed.

I saw him begin working on a new blank canvas, his 'medical mask' over his mouth and nose as he spray painted.

I sighed and put my head down on the uncomfortable pillow and shut my eyes.


I yawned and sat up, I looked around the dark room and saw Zayn out cold on the couch. I slowly got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom, I walked over and looked at the canvas he had painted the night before. Their was a single shadowy figure sitting on a curb, but behind were such bright, beautiful splashes of colour coming from its body.

I looked at the spray painted piece in awe, it was deep and beautiful.
"Why are you staring at it?" Zayn's voice scared the crap out of me.
"Oh, I was just looking, is that not aloud?" I crossed my arms.
"It was just a question, are you ever nice?" He hissed.
"I'm nice to people I like." I hissed back.
"Yeah and how many people is that." He rolled his eyes. "Zero?" He laughed and rage filled me.
"Coming from you, everyone hates you." I snapped.
"I'm the one giving you a god damn place to stay! Shut your mouth for once or I will kick you back onto the street!" He hissed, storming into the bedroom.

I put on a black tank top and some black ripped skinny jeans, I grabbed my spray paint bag and left the apartment and went down to the street below.

I walked down the busy sidewalks and saw a small crowd standing at a street corner. I walked up and saw a boy, about my age, sitting on the curb playing his guitar. He had bleach blonde hair and blue eyes, he didn't pay any attention to the crowd, just looking down at his guitar and strumming away.

He was really good, everyone watching looked bored and they ended up leaving. I dug through my pockets, looking for any cash.
"I'm not playing for money." His voice was thick with an Irish accent, he continued to play but looked up at me.
"Oh... Okay, you're really good." I took my hand out of my pocket and adjusted my duffle bag on my shoulder.
"Thanks, seems like you're the only one that thinks so." He laughed, referring to how everyone left.
"Well I think you're good." I shrugged.
"What's in the bag?" He asked.
"Oh... Just clothes and stuff..." I lied.
"Clothes?" He shook his head. "What's actually in their?"

I sighed and put the bag down, zipping it open to reveal the many cans of spray paint.
"I was heading to my next 'canvas'." I half smiled.
"Could I see maybe?" He asked.
"Oh... Sure." I nodded and he put his guitar in its case.

We walked through the alleys, I passed one of Zayn's tags and rolled my eyes. We stopped in front of a large brick wall and I put my bag down.

I began working away at the wall. Completely zoning out into my work as I turned the bricks into the galaxy, with stars and planets and asteroids.

About an hour later I dropped the can down into my bag and stepped back.
"Wow." He stood next to me and stared at the piece. "That's beautiful."
"Thanks." I smiled.
"I'm Niall... By the way." He looked to me then back at the art.
"I'm Angelica." I answered, zipping up my bag.
"How often are you down here?" Niall asked.
"Every day." I put the bag on my shoulder.
"So I'll see you around then?" He asked.
"Yeah, I think you will." I nodded and he smiled.
"I'll see you around then Angelica." He took his guitar and left the alley.

I began to leave the alley when I saw Zayn approach.
"Seriously, my turf again." He groaned, kicking his skate board up into his hand. He looked over my shoulder and at the piece I had just finished. "Are you kidding me!? That's my best canvas!" He hissed.
"I made it here first." I crossed my arms.
"Whatever, next time you see my tags, move along." He snapped.

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