Chapter 9

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*Zayn's POV*

"No." I kept walking, Louis following me close behind.
"Why not, maybe then your little princess will like you." He laughed.
"I'm not a sell out." I snapped, ignoring his comment about Angelica.
"Princess is." He knew that I didn't like talking about her.
"Louis, fuck off." I shoved my hands in my pocket.
"Nah, I got no where else to go mate." He shrugged, continuing to follow me. "Why don't you just call her or something?" He asked.
"Because she doesn't want me in her life at all, and I don't... I don't need her." I mumbled.
"Look, fuckhead, you're obsessed with the girl." He shook his head.
"Why do you give a damn Louis." I hissed.
"Well, I actually don't. I'm just saying, if you don't want her, I'll swoop in their, she's hot." He stated simply.
"She hates you." I growled.
"I can change her mind." He grinned.
"Fuck off for god sake Louis!" I stopped and turned to him. "We aren't friends, so go the hell away!"

He just stood their, a smug smile.
"You sick of talking about little princess?" His smirk grew. "Did you hear about her boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend? What?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, she's got a boyfriend, she's already over you." He grinned.
"She doesn't have a boy-"
"Some guy named Harry." He continued.
"The landlord loser!?" I hissed.
"Jealous." Louis pulled his smokes out of his pocket and placed one between his lips, lighting it. "She's done with you bro." He turned and walked away.

*Angelica's POV*

"What is that?" Harry stared at my newest piece, a look of confusion.
"I don't know." I groaned. "I haven't been able to make anything good in a month."
"Ange it's just a rough phase, you just reached popularity, it's not like you always have to let out new works." He shrugged.
"Liam is always asking when he can get more pieces." I crossed my arms and stared at the piece.
"Ignore him, he's needy." Harry laughed.
"He's the reason I'm here." I grabbed the art and threw it into a pile of other crappy pieces. "I just started my career and it's already over!" I groaned.
"Angelica nothing is over." Harry shook his head and laughed. "Just take a break, ignore work for a while."
"I'm... I'm going to go for a walk. It'll clear my head." I nodded.
"Good idea, I'll be here." He shrugged.
"Alright." I grabbed my black leather jacket and slipped it on while leaving my apartment building.

I was walking down the sidewalk, in the neighborhood where my last apartment was. I looked around the crowded curbs, seeing Louis and rolling my eyes.

I kept walking and smiled to myself a little when I saw Zayn in an alley, skateboarding.

Maybe, I could talk to him about pieces or something?

I walked up, watching him for a few minutes until he noticed me.
"Hey Zayn..." I forced a smile.
"Do I know you?" He kept a dead serious face.
"Uhm... It's me, Angelica?" I was confused.
"From what I remember, you don't want me in your life. Sorry stranger." He simply shrugged.
"Stranger danger." He cut me off and kicked his skateboard up into his hands.
"Zayn I just want to ask you something." I whined.
"Ask your boyfriend." He hissed.
"My- Harry? No it's a question for you." I crossed my arms.
"No Angelica." He snapped.

I went through everything I knew about him in my brain, maybe I could blackmail him?

"I'll tell Louis you can sing... He'll never leave you alone." I kept a stone cold face.
"I... I can't sing." He glared at me.
"Yes you can, you sang in the shower almost every day, I heard it but I never said anything." This had to work.
"Fine, what the hell do you want." He growled.

I took a deep breath, suddenly thinking up a new question. One that I needed to know the answer to.
"How long have you- Did you... love me?" I asked, my voice quiet.
"What?" He stared at me.
"That's my question." I crossed my arms.
"I'm not answering that." He shook his head slowly.
"Please answer it..." I sighed.
"You really want to know?" He clenched his jaw. "Fine. I've loved you since the day you moved in with me, but then you had to go and fuck it all up because you had to be the next big artist out their! Why couldn't you just be happy as a graffiti artist, who never used technology, who never thought of selling out, who always signed her pieces 'Alley Angel'. You ruined everything the day you left Angelica." He explained, his face showing no emotion.

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