Chapter 8 The Halloween Ball

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Chapter 8 The Halloween Ball

Annabeth had taken me shopping for a dress, a pair of heels, and a mask but I had taken about 2-3 hours choosing them.

I never knew that it could take THAT long to find a dress that I liked, plus a matching mask and matching shoes, but it did take that long and I'm not necessarily proud of it.

And if I had known that it would take THAT long to find a dress and a mask and a pair of shoes, then I wouldn't have agreed to get out of bed this morning.

When we were shopping, I kept thinking that right then I would rather to be in the fighting arena shooting bow and arrows than to be in dress stores and in shoe stores and in mask stores.

Annabeth had just brushed my complaining off with the wave of her hand, saying 'Oh shut up, do you wanna go to the ball with Nico or not?!'

My response was always an irritated sigh in defeat and Annabeth would grin in triumph causing me to glare at the back of her blonde head.

Her and Percy had been invited too, and Annabeth was also taking forever to choose the right dress and shoes, like me.

But of course she just HAD to take longer than me, and I was stuck in the mall longer than necessary.

In the end, we settled for elegant dresses that I would burn later, and shoes that I couldn't walk in without almost killing myself by accident.

The masks were fine, I liked the masks because the mask didn't kill my feet when I walked, and it didn't show a lot of skin like my dress did.

Annabeth had also made me buy make-up after we had bought our masks and I repaid her by complaining and whining the whole way home.

Things along the lines of what I said were:

'My feet are gonna fall off if I wear those heels!', 'The dress shows more skin than a bikini!', and 'Make-up is made out of bat poop!'.

I stopped whining as soon as I saw Nico, he was leaning up against the side of Nemesis's Cabin with his signature smirk on his face.

I got out of Annabeth's car and I jogged over to him with a bright smile on my face.

His emerald green eyes sparkled at me and he grinned down at me, since he was so much taller than me.

Speaking of him being so tall, Annabeth had made me get high heels so I could be a little bit taller than my normal height.

I looked at Nico and I wondered what he would be wearing to the masquerade ball.

I pushed that thought aside with the thought 'I'll find out tonight' and Annabeth pulled me in the opposite direction of where Nico was.

I hadn't even gotten to talk to him! It was SO unfair! Why, Annabeth?! Why?!

"Hey! I wanna go over there!" I protested.

I looked back at Nico and I saw that he was glaring and scowling at Annabeth, who didn't seem to notice his intense anger.

I was scowling too, I was also glaring and yes, it was at the same person that Nico was scowling and glaring at.

"Nico's over there, and you're supposed to wait until tonight to see or talk to him." Annabeth reminded me.

Did I mention that you would have to dance with several different people to find your own date?

No? Whoops, it must've slipped my mind because of this stabbing headache that I have.

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