Chapter 2 Camp Half-Blood

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Chapter 2 Camp Half-Blood

There were strawberry fields, battle fields, cabins, woods, food hall, and a big marble building that Percy called 'The Big House'.

There were hundreds of thousands of teenagers with swords, knives, daggers, bow and arrows, and spears. The goat people were running around too and as it happens, Grover is one of them.

I think that Annabeth said that they were satyres. Who I think is Chiron made his way up to us.

"Percy! Annabeth! Grover! You're back so soon? I sent you this morning!" Chiron said as he hit Percy with a stick.

"Ow." Percy said under his breath.

"It was easy to find her! And she came willingly!" Grover said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

I flinched at the physical contact. I absolutely hated to be touched! It always brought the bad side out in me.

"Do you wish to keep that hand, Grover?" I growled and narrowed my eyes.

"Yes." Grover said.

"Then I suggest you DROP IT!" I spit out.

He dropped his hand off of my shoulder and I instantly relaxed.

Chiron, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover were all staring at me with a shocked look on their faces.

"What? I don't like to be touched, I have a personal space issue, and I tend to lash out at physical contact." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

Chiron chuckled, Percy rolled his eyes along with Annabeth, and Grover snorted.

"What's your name?" Chiron asked me.

"Sapphire Shadows." I replied.

Chiron went rigid and his eye twitched.

"Can I speak with you? In private?" He asked me and I nodded.

Chiron started to gallop away and I waved at my three new friends.

They genuinely smiled and waved back. I jogged to catch up with Chiron and caught up with him at The Big House.

Chiron entered and I followed. He sat at a table that had one guy already sitting there.

"Hello Dionysus." Chiron said as he sat down to Dionysus's right.

Dionysus just grunted in reply and I slowly sat down across from them.

Dionysus was sipping a can of diet Cola and shuffling a deck of cards. When he finished he looked up at me.

"Well hello, girly. What's a frail, useless girl like you doing here at a place such as this?" Dionysus asked me.

Something inside me snapped and I felt the need to talk back, which is very unfortunate for him.

"Who are you calling useless? Like you're the one to talk!" I threw at him.

Dionysus's eyes flashed and Chiron winced.

"What's your name, you insolent girl?" Dionysus threw back.

"Sapphire Shadows. What's it to you?" I said scowling at him.

His face paled and I grinned in triumph.

"Chiron?" Dionysus asked.

"Yes, but I don't think she knows." Chiron said back.

"Hey, I'm still here ya know! No need to talk about me like I'm not sitting across from you!" I said irritated.

"Sorry Sapphire. Do you know who your parents are?" Chiron asked me.

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