Chapter 10- Part 2

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So this is long over do and i am so sorry. It is also rather short but from here on the story will pick up and get better. With school out for summer i will try to upload evey day and once i finish this it will be under major editing. This chapter is a little different but it is when the main character starts to pull away. Enjoy!

Elayne’s P.O.V

I woke my skin coated in sweat, my eyes heavy. The first thing I looked at was my stomach, nothing was there.  My shields were down and all the hope of peace I harbored was gone. My father had found me. My father was the devil himself. Me, that’s simple, I was now the fly caught in the spiders web with no hope of getting free.

I had to figure this out. My mother had told me my father died, and then this random stranger comes out and claims he is my father. That may be true but if it is that man, the complete stranger in my prison is nothing but an insolent pig. He let another man raise me and then expects me to act like I have known him my whole life. Well that isn’t going to happen.

I sighed slumping forward, hugging my knees to my chest.  Nothing was making any sense and to top it off I had missed several days of school.

“Ugh,” I groaned into the cold midnight air, “Why? Why couldn’t I have had a normal family? What did I ever do to deserve my father?”

No one answered of course; I was just a teenage girl talking to the wind. Wow I must be insane.  O well.

I picked myself up off the ground, my back cold as the air touched my wet clothes and skin. Slowly I trudged back to my house to meet whatever awaits me, even if it is the devil himself.


I got home as the sun was just staring to rise again, spreading its bright fingers over the trees.  Silence greated me as I walked up to the house. I went to open the solid door to find it locked.

“Crap” I muttered and slumped into the cold wall of the house that served as my prison.

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