Chapter 4- The Bear

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“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.”

Markus Zusak, I am the Messenger

Derrick’s P.O.V

I heard the singing and had to follow it, I had to know who it was.  So I began to walk through the trees, following the sweet melody, until it stopped. I was ready to turn back when I heard soft sobs, I decided to continue forward. My ears basically led the way, and as I walked I stepped on a twig and it snapped with a very loud crack. I stopped thinking, ‘Did I scare them off?’ ‘Will they still be there?’

I didn’t know and I was about to turn back when I heard faint footsteps coming closer. I forgot everything going through my head and just ran towards it. I broke through branches of trees and into a golden meadow, which was an open space, lit up with the golden light of the sun and speckled with pink and purple flowers.  The trees created a wall from the world and seemed to let nothing in besides the sun.

 Animals ran from me towards the far end of the meadow towards a shadow close to the trees. I did not see anyone and was about to leave when a familiar flash of red caught my eye.

Evelyn was turning, looking deeper in the forest. I could tell immediately something wasn’t right just by how she was backing away from the trees.  From the way she moved closer to me I knew she didn’t realize I was there.  Though honestly I didn’t care if she knew or not, she was scared off something in the shadows and I wanted to ease her fears.

Evelyn turned and as she saw me she froze, her face turned bright pink in a lovely blush and as a butterfly landed in her hair my breath caught. I had never seen anyone look so beautiful, I was about to walk towards her until I saw it.

A great big bear was crashing through the trees at amazing speed, I was shocked that Evelyn just turned and faced it when I almost peed my pants.

 She looked at the beast, a gentleness played in her eyes as she reached a hand towards it. The thing looked at her like food, and she was going to pet it, I didn’t know what to do. So I just watched as Evelyn risked her life, she was now face to face with the bear, its eyes met hers and the thing looked scared. As Evelyn lifted her hand the bear bowed its head allowing her to pet it, I couldn’t believe it. Evelyn just subdued a bear. I was speechless.

Or not, “How did you… What just… How?” I stuttered through my words trying to make sense of what I just saw.

She looked at me, with a look of complete disbelief, it was almost like she expected me to freak out or even be calm and as her eyes left mine she replied, “I just made a new friend.”That was all she said before she ran off into the woods, her bright red hair trailing behind her.


I walked home and I was still shocked by what I had witnessed Evelyn do. I mean it wasn’t that she looked weak; it was just how she was around people. She wasn’t brave around people, but holy crap the girl subdued a bear. I didn’t know how she couldn’t be confidant when she can do that. Though I knew nothing of her past, but if it was anything like mine I understood why she was so shy around people.

My thoughts were interrupted when my bedroom door opened, a small voice caused me to smile, “Derrick?”

“Yes Emily,” I responded looking at my baby sister, she was five years old and was a bit chubby with brown eyes and blond hair. She was my little angel though, my mother had adopted her after my brother died of cancer, and she grew on me instantly. I was looking at her know just waiting for her to speak, “Do you need something?”

She nodded, her eyes were wide with fear, “Can you check my closet for monsters? Mommy said she wouldn’t.”

I chuckled to myself and nodded, “Of course Em, come on.”

I stood up and took her little hand in my own walking her back to her room. She stopped by the door and wouldn’t walk any further into the room. I smiled at her and dropped her hand, walking to her closet. I pulled open the door and acted like I was looking. After a minute I pulled it shut and walked back to Emily.

I crouched so I could meet her eyes, “Ok Em, there’s no monster.”

She looked at me with a twinkle of hope in her eyes, “Promise?”

I chuckled, “I promise, will you go to bed now.”

She nodded and walked to her bed and jumped in, I walked over to her and tucked her in and just as I was about to leave she spoke, “Will you tell me a story.”

I nodded and sat with her in her bed, “What do you want to hear?”

She smiled, “Something exciting.”

“Ok Emily, I have the perfect story.” I paused for dramatic effect, “A young girl walked into the forest till she was face to face with a bear…”

I laughed at her reactions as I told her a glorified version of how Evelyn subdued the bear, and when I had finished Emily looked at me, “I want to be as brave as Evelyn,” she said as she curled up and closed her eyes.

As I walked out of her room and turned off the lights I whispered, “You and me both.”

Authors note: Soooo, what do you all think of Evelyn now? She’s got a few secrets huh. And what about little Emily? Isn’t she cute? And how about Derrick, honestly I loved writing him with helping Emily with any big bad monsters lol J.

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Lots of love- Lizzy <3

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