Chapter 8-Butterfly

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My lovely readers, this chapters is going to  be entirely in Evelyn's P.O.V and it is an important chapter. Read between the lines love you all. I am sorry it took so long!!! Lots of love Lizzy.

P .S read end note after chapter.

Evelyn's P.O.V

The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly.

Richard Bach

Do you know that feeling of emptiness that occurs when you feel lost or alone? That feeling, that deep ache, is what I have felt the days I have been kept here.  I have felt betrayed and angry, hurt and lost, but mostly I have felt that ache and I can't stop it. Lately though have directed my attention on escape.  Though today, today is the day I have dreaded. It is the day I find out why I was taken.

 No one spoke to me, but that was to be expected. I heard them through the walls of my small room though. I knew who they talked about and I knew  it was me. But why did they hold me here, what was special about me? I did not know. All I knew was that I needed to get out of here, but my body had different ideas.

My eyes drooped and I fell into a deep slumber...


I once again stood on the castle to, the wind pulling at my clothes but this time was different. I was at ease my heart didn't race, and he didn't show up. I stood alone the cool air feeling nice on my warm skin.

I stared in the distance and watched as butterflies danced in the distanced, and suddenly I was in the air with them. We spun around wings and bodies twining delicately in the breeze. I was free and it suddenly came to me the way I could escape.  Dancing in the air reminded me of my connection with nature. I knew then how I could escape and I knew the time I had to begin.

The dream continued but the feeling shifted, I was once again human, standing on the roof. And he once again showed up. His face was bruised and he looked at me as if I caused him pain.

"Evelyn" He whispered his voice sending a shiver down my spine. "What are you doing to me?"

I couldn't think of an answer not like I had a chance to speak before he crashed his lips to mine. I didn't respond and that had him pulling away, it was then I recognized him. He was an old friend of mine that had almost killed me and here he was in my dream with his lips desperately coaxing me to respond.

I began to get a headache as the world shifted and my eyes fluttered open.


As I woke a man was standing above me. He grinned evilly and laughed when I gasped as he pulled me up by my hair.  "Weak little girl!"

I whimpered causing him to laugh again, but I couldn't help it the pain was too much. He looked me up and down, " If my boss didn't tell me to leave you be, I would so kill your ugly ass right now."

I had enough by then seeing as I had a killer migraine, I looked him in the eyes, yanked my hair back and glared, "You will never touch me again you pile of slime. I may be a prisoner here but I am still a person and this," I gestured at my cold cell, "Is not how you treat a person, I demand to speak with whoever keeps me here now."

He stood shocked but nodded and left the room.

I waited for what seemed like hours but was probably only a few minutes until the oaf and a  boy about my age walked in. The oaf addressed me slowly, "The boss will meet with you and we are here to take you to him."

I nodded and attempted to stand but fell to my knees. I haven't noticed how weak I have grown. The oaf only laughed at my struggle while the boy growled and walked over to me. He looked down at me with golden eyes, his black hair falling into his eyes as her did so. He bent over and gently picked me up, he was careful of any and all bruises I had.

The Oaf tried to stop him but the boy shot him a glare that would kill a horse and carried me out to meet the boss.

We arrived at an office door, the oaf grunted as he opened it and the young man carried in. I saw the boss look at us and the man's arms around me, his black eyes swirled with disapproval and his brown hair sat sleek on his head.  "Why are you holding her?" He asked the question calmly but I still felt the young man flinch.

"She could not stand Sir."

The boss nodded and looked at me and grinned, "Evelyn, it is nice to finally meet you Daughter."

 Author Note: Ok guys few things. First off what did you all think, I know it's abit wierd but I had to get this out there so the rest would make sense. Also I need you all to know that I am open to any and all suggestions for making this story better, you won't hurt my feelings I love advice!c 

lots Of Love


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