Far From Over [Chrom x F!Reader] (Request)

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As requested by Cinderanna,who requested a Chrom x Reader! I hope you like it!

Far From Over

"And if we charged the enemy head-on Lon'qu and Lissa, alongside Maribelle and Ricken for defensive opponents and healing, then this side could pull back and fight in the denser areas to make it harder for the enemy."

You looked up, wiping the sweat from your brow as you finished the explanation.

The blue-haired prince Chrom stared at you in astonishment before breaking into a large grin that sent a warm feeling through your body. "I knew I could count on you and your big brain, (Y/N)."

Your heart swelled as he uttered his grateful praise before you noticed the sadness in his gaze. Cautiously, you reached a hand out and touched his cheek softly.

"Are you alright?"

Chrom looked at you, surprised. "I'm fine. I promise."

You looked at him worriedly, but as you began to believe he really was fine, a tear slipped from his eyes. You let out a cry of shock. "Chrom! You're not alright at all! Why are you crying?"

He took your hand in his, and gave you a reassuring smile. You stared back at him defiantly until he hung his head, and you shrunk in guilt.

That's right, you thought as the idea struck you. If anything was troubling Chrom, it was definitely the loss of his sister, the Exalt Emmeryn. You shuddered, remembering the terrible trauma it had brought to the two royal-blooded siblings. How could you have been so harsh on him?

"Chrom, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Chrom didn't say anything, and instead pulled you closer into a tight hug. You let out a squeak, but couldn't deny that it felt warm and full of happiness. He threaded his hands softly through your (h/c) strands of hair, and you found yourself instinctively placing your hands on his broad chest. As you dwindled in his arms, Chrom spoke softly.

"I... I promise I'll be fine. I know you're all really worried about me, aren't you? You don't have to worry. I promise I'll be fine, (Y/N). There's no way I'd be as cowardly as to leave you alone. This war is far from over. We swore to be two halves of a better whole, remember?"

You nodded and said quietly, "Yeah. Why did I ever doubt you? I knew you could do it."

Chrom chuckled, and blood rushed to your cheeks as you felt the vibrating sound echo through the deserted tent and against your cheek.

He released you, and you reluctantly stepped back until Chrom gripped both your hands in his. You looked directly into his eyes, and he smiled, the previous sadness that had veiled his raven-black irises no longer there.

You smiled and, taking notice, Chrom firmly and confidently declared aloud, "That's the spirit, (Y/N)! Let's do this. We'll fight our final war and bring peace once and for all to our kingdom!"

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