Chapter 1

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There will be dates on the top of each chapter. Sometimes I will go day by day, other times it may be a week in advance. (This is for progressive reasons) This will be in Ashton's point of view.


September 2, 2015:

It was a Wednesday, this first day of school. I felt superior to people around me because I was now the 'top dog' of the school. I was in year 12.

We already had the first day assembly, now we were going around to our classes. I was sitting in study hall, which was my first block on this day, and I was bored out of my mind. What were we supposed to do in study hall on the first goddamn day?

I see Michael Clifford in the corner of the room and I shrug to myself but get up to go talk to him. We were kind of friends, I mean, we talk every once and a while. We have never hung out or anything besides the few words we have spoken between us.

I sit down at the empty desk next to him and say, "Hey Mike, what's up?"

"Don't call me Mike." He snapped. I knew well that he didn't like being called Mike but it's fun to annoy people.

"C'mon Mike. Anyway, so how was your summer?" I ask nonchalantly, glancing at my nails.

"Fine, I guess. Why are you talking to me anyway?" He questions me with a glare.

I frown and don't respond, instead I get back up and move to my previous seat. A couple people looked at me and I smirked. I like when people look at me, when they know that I am there. I don't know why I have a need for people to notice me but I do.

I bell finally rings and I move onto my English IV class. I sit down in one of the many padded seats the teacher had and I lean back against the wall. As people pile in I examine each of them. I smile a bit when I see Luke Hemmings walk into the class with a bright smile on his face. He was one of the most popular kids in the grade, and he was attractive. He was nice, I guess, to most people. He wasn't full out rude but he did not really associate with people of my social status.

Which offended me.

I wanted so desperately to be liked and noticed like Luke is. I was surprised as Luke sat next to me and I look around the room to see that there were no open seats anywhere else. "Hey Luke!" I happily say, moving forward so the chair legs were on the ground.

He glances over at me with a small smile and responds, "Hi." He then looks away, forgetting I was there.

But the thought made me happy anyway.

I don't know what it was about Luke. He always looked so cute and he was fit and he sometimes gave me the time of day. Right now he was wearing black skinny jeans, per usual, and a red and black plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He had a dark red beanie on and his hair was almost perfect.

The teacher began talking and I spaced out, not caring what she had to say.

Towards the end of the class the teacher gave us free will to talk among ourselves. I see Luke toy with his lip ring and for some reason it made me giddy. Everything he did was adorable. "So Luke, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime?" I question and he looks at me-almost confused.

"Look, you seem nice. But, I am not sure if I really want to? I don't know." He tells me, completely shrugging me off. The bell rings and he grabs his bag and gives me a small wave goodbye.

I continuously blink back my tears. I hate being ignored. I needed to grasp his attention.


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