chapter 13

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Juliets Pov

Everyones just finished their soup and the room has been left in an eerie and slightly awkward silence. I want to cry so badly, I can just remember everything we did here, me, Levi, Isabel and Farlan. All of the great memories that were made in this very room. And it can never be the same because they're gone. They're gone forever and I'll never get them back.

I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I stand up from my seat on the sofa and slowly walk over to the bookshelf next to the fire place. I feel everyones eyes on me as my fingers ghost over thebooks. I blink rapidly with my back turned to everyone in an attempt to stop my tears, and it works. My fingers brush over the final book and then I notice a few frames stacked up next to it, all a4 sized. I pick up the first frame and i have to refrain myself from screaming. Its 8 year old me and 13 year old Levi, sat on the sofa, I was smiling and Levi was doing a peace sign with his fingers. I made him do that. Floyd drew and painted this. I look to the next one of 9 year old me and 14 year old Levi. I go over every one until I get to one a few months before my 11th birthday.

Oh god, Its me, Isabel, Farlan and Levi. We're all sat on mine and Levis sofa. Levi was on the very end left with me next to him, he looked bored. I was next to him with a small smile on my face, leaning on Levis shoulder. Next to me was Isabel, who had a wide smile and her hair was as crazy as always. And Farlan on the very end right, he was smirking and he had his arm around Isabels shoulder. I remember this like it was yesterday.

3rd Persons Pov

Juliets hands shake as she clutches the frame. She looks to the wall above the fireplace where the pictures once hung. Why did Levi ever take them down? One by one, her shaky hands put them all back up as everyone watches curiously. Juliets entire body is shaking as she stands facing everyone, her head down. Petra, Eren, Oluo, Eld, and Gunther are all taken aback by the girls current state. Levis heart slowly shatters as he sees her shaking that bad, he can tell why.

Levi stands up out of his place on the sofa and looks at Juliet with sorrow.

+++ Play Music +++

"Juliet," Levi starts, his voice soft

Juliet stays there, shaking, head down. Levi sighs and takes a cautious step towards her.

"I didn't get to say goodbye" Her voice sounded lost and broken

"I know. I'm sorry" Levi says

Juliet looks up and gasps are heard as they see her face. Instead of her usual bored look, her eyes are red, swollen and sprouting tears, her bottom lip is shaking mercilessly, and she looks completely broken beyond repair.

"Why? Why did it have to happen to them? Yeah, they stole but they did that to live. WE did that to live, so why did they have to die out of everyone? Isabel was always smiling. And Farlan was always bandaging people up who were injured, they were good people. Ive done much worse than the two of them have put together. I wish it would've been me who was killed instead." Juliet rambles, tears continuously flowing

"I know they were good people. But you have to stay strong. We have people who depend on us. And if you would've been killed instead – I wouldn't of been far behind you." Levi says, his voice now sounding sad and broken aswell.

Thats when tears started to spring from his eyes, but his eyebrows stayed in the same crease as they always was and his mouth was in a straight line.

Levi then holds his arms out and Juliet runs into his embrace. She cries quietly into his shoulder while he rubs her back in small circles, this made Petra jealous.

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