Chapter 6

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Juliet's Pov

"Okay, so... first, I want everyone to do a race on the manoeuvre gear. I will set of the flare and then we will all set of until we get to the other end of the forest" Eld explains as he readies his gear

We all stand in a line and Oluo starts to show off a little by talking big. He's going to ace this, according to him anyway. I don't believe it. I may be new to the scouts and I'm not even as experienced as the others, but I think I may be able to refrain from being last.

The green flare is set off and we all spring into action. I decide on staying low nearer to the floor where no one else would think to go so I can put my hooks into the best areas. I keep my eyes straight ahead and swing through the trees, and as I get in front of everyone, I get higher so I'm level with them.

"How is she so fast?" I hear Gunther shout behind me

I carry on going through the trees and I hear the others struggling behind me, I think I'm just in sight for them; speed is one of my top things. I get to the end of the forest and land swiftly on the ground, everyone else gets back around a minute later. Oluo being the last.

"How can you go that fast? Have you had any extra training or something before you joined the military?" Eld asks and I shake my head. Actually, Levi, Farlan and I taught ourselves and we then taught Isabel.

We walk back to the other end of the forest and we all sit on the grass while Eld goes to get something else we need for training. As always, everyone makes conversation with each other and I'm the only one who stays quiet. Not that I mind that much.

Eld comes back with some books in a brown box.

"Erwin gave orders for us all to read all of these, and seeing as though its a nice day I thought we could do it outside," Eld says with a smile

There are four different books and theres enough copies for everyone to read one. I sit cross legged in the grass and start on one of the books. I squint and try to read it but the text is way too small. I am usually fine with reading but this, this is insane. I'll have to go get my glasses.

"I need to go get something. I'll be back in two minutes" I say and walk away from the group

When I get into the castle, I go straight up to my bedroom and into my desk drawer. I rummage through the items in it until I come across the black glasses. I put them on the bridge of my nose and then rush to go back downstairs. I'm not really embarrassed by having to wear these, they are just inconvenient when I'm moving about so I don't like to wear them.

I go back outside and everyone is in a bit of shock to see what I'm wearing on my head. I just sigh and sit back down where I was and start to read again. Everyone read the first book and then we all talked about it, we then started the second book.

This ones a little odd, while the last one was talking about hand to hand combat, this one is all about interrogation and asking people questions. Its like a detectives guide to getting answers. It takes about an hour for everyone to read that one.

"This one was so confusing, why did we need to read it?" Eld says, screwing his face up

"I have a feeling we're going to have a mission thats a little different to titan slaying until Levi is able to" Gunther says

"Or maybe Erwin just wants us to know just in case we need to take any actions. I think the military police are planning something against us to be honest" Oluo speaks up

"Okay, the next book- oh it's a map book. A map of the underground city? Huh?" Eld says getting out five books from the box

Even the name of that wretched place makes my stomach turn and feel sick. I can't stand the place. Eld says getting out five books from the box

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