chapter 11

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Levis pov

The meeting last night made me feel sick to my stomach. The special ops' next mission... is probably the worst one that could've been stowed upon us. And its not like I can say no- its very important.

I'll explain it to the squad members, but Juliet is still going through a rough patch so I'll tell her later, I could just start the mission and take her with us without telling her the details. Although that does sound a little heartless.

I'll leave Juliet to sleep a few extra hours, if she overworks herself in her current state then shes only going to get worse. Health over training, mental or otherwise. I go outside into the cool morning air and find my squad starting to warm up on the field.

"Juliet wont be joining us today, she seems to be a bit ill. I think its just a cold but she is in no condition to be training." I shout out to everyone "We will have 3 hours physical training and then we need to discuss the special ops squad newest mission that will take place a week or two ahead of now."  I explain

"Oh, I hope shes not too sick," Gunther says and scrunches up his nose

"So. First of all, I want you all to do five laps around the field, now." I command and watch as they start to pathetically run around the field, faces showing determination and discomfort.

"Ah shorty! Is Juliet okay? She was so upset yesterday I couldn't believe my eyes," Hangi says, throwing her arm around my shoulder, which I shove off me immediately. I hadn't noticed her, Erwin and Mike walking up to me, or even arriving at the castle.

"And are you okay? You were crying after all." Erwin says, looking slightly concerned and I cringe internally

"Im fine, as for her, I didn't much sleep, she didn't either. She just cried for ages and then she couldn't stop shaking. I was tired but I was fine to stay awake comforting her," I say and turn to the trio

"Aww Shorty is so sweet!" Hangi says, her eyes gleaming

"We just stopped by on our way to trost, the commander and I have business there. And Hangi offered to come here and help you out seeing as though it'd be best if you stayed by your best friends side at this time," Mike said, his nose held high

Thats... really thoughtful of them, especially Hangi.

"Thanks," I say and give my subordinates a nod. Erwin and Mike leave and Im left with shitty-glasses.

"I'll watch these guys finish their laps and then they're doing hand to hand combat for 2 and a half hours right? I'll stay here and you can go and lie down, "

"I'm always pale"

"This is a different pale, you look sickly and sad. Just go and comfort your best friend and you'll feel better." Hangi says and gives me a wide smile

I nod at her and head back inside. I make some tea and put it with two cups on a tray; I then go upstairs up to Juliets room. I enter the wooden door to see her, blinds shut, lamp on, sat cross legged on her bed reading.

"Hi Rivalle," She whispers, her voice hurt

"I brought us some tea. Shitty-glasses offered to train the squad for a few hours while I stay with you."

"That was nice of her"

"How are you doing?" I ask and sit on the chair at her desk

"I feel like theres a chunk of me missing, I want it back. I want them back Levi," She whispers

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