Chapter 8

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Levis Pov

Its been 24 hours since we found out Juliet is ill. I wonder if shes feeling any better. I knock on her bedroom door lightly and I hear a quiet 'come in'. I enter the room cautiously and see Juliet sat on her bed, looking better, and dressed in full uniform.

"Im feeling 100 percent better, it must've been one of those bugs that only last a day," Juliet says in her usual stoic tone and zips up her left boot.

"Thats good, are you well enough to train?" I ask

"Yeah. Have the four idiots been behaving?" Juliet asks and stands up

"They've been fine. What was all that about yesterday? When you were crying?" I ask in a soft tone

"I had a nightmare, about the underground," She says and sighs before pulling her hair up in a high ponytail.

"I think we're the only ones awake. Would you care to join me in town for some breakfast and a brew?" I ask with a smirk

"Is there even anywhere open at 7am?" She asks and starts to walk towards me

"Yep, a nice little place. You coming or what?" I ask
"Yeah" She says and we head off downstairs.

When we're alone, she doesn't bother calling me 'sir' or 'captain' because to be honest she doesn't need to. I see her as a good friend rather than someone who works under me.

We step into the chilly morning air and walk towards the stables. I go into the clean stables and go over to my horse, I take him out of the stables and then mount him. I offer my hand to Juliet, which she accepts and climbs onto the horse, sitting behind me.

I feel her arms wrap around my stomach and I smile lightly to myself.

We set off into the light fog on the way to town.

I've missed hanging about with Juliet, just the two of us. When we lived down in the underground, we would spend the day with our friends then most nights we'd sit and chat for hours and hours.

She looks so different from when she was younger, yet so alike. Shes still absolutely gorgeous and her eyes are the exact same shade of blue. But her hair is much longer and her body is much more developed. Her lips are still pink and plump, but I can tell shes been more anxious lately as I can tell they're a little chapped from her biting them.

We get into the town and we ride to the nearest local stable.

3rd Persons Pov

Levi scrunches his nose at the sight of the dirty stable. It had been maintained well but he could see cobwebs in the upper corners and dirt trailed on the hay covered floor. He dis-mounts his horse and then offers a hand to his best friend. Juliet takes Levis hand and jumps off of the black horse.

As they walk out of the stable Levi hands the stable boy some money.

The town had quite a few people in it, despite the time. There were quite a few parents seen, ushering their children to walk faster. They all wore the same clothes, black trousers and a white polo t-shirt with a blue cardigan, although one girl was wearing a pleated skirt. All of the parents looked stressed and tired.

'school morning run, huh. The school must be nearby for so many kids from there to be walking the same route' Juliet thinks

Juliet then spots a familiar little girl and her mother. Juliet smiles a little at the small girl as she sets her small eyes on Juliet. The little girl gives a little squeal of delight and runs upto Juliet and stands infront of her, trying to do the salute.

The world against the two of us (Levi Ackerman X OC)Where stories live. Discover now