Chapter 19

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What a complete turn around this week has become. I started off the week thinking I was going to be on my own forever. Never able to get away from the torment and hatred of my extremely violent boyfriend. Now I've just spend the day with possibly the greatest man I have ever met. Curled up together in his room, just enjoying each other's company. No, not like that! We watched a few films, ordered a takeaway and just talked. And...well...kissing did come into it a little. Okay a lot. But hey! Can you blame me?

We decided that it's best to take this whole thing slow. I have, after all, just broken up with Nick. And he's never done this whole 'commitment' thing. And I really want this to go right. So instead of staying in his room tonight, I've come back to mine for the evening. I'm thankful that it's just us in the house tonight. Really not feeling up to talking to anyone else right now. I'm so exhausted from everything that's happened that I falling into a comfortable sleep...

Nick. Nick is in front of me. With a knife. And he's screaming something at me. But I can't hear him. His mouth is moving, but nothing except loud roaring is coming out. It hurts my ears so much and I try to cover them. But I can't. I can't move. I'm rooting to the floor and completely frozen. The sounds get louder and louder and not only hurt my ears but I can feel the vibrations in my chest. I want to scream, but my mouth won't open. My eyes won't close. There is nothing I can do but watch as he comes closer and closer, getting louder and louder. He's so close now that the pain is unbearable. I suddenly find it impossible to breathe. I can't breathe! The knife rises and I can do nothing! Higher and higher...louder and louder...and then down...

I jerk awake and find that something is covering my mouth. I try to claw at it. It's a hand. I can't see who's it is, but I know that someone is holding me down. I desperately struggle at it and feel the weight of someone sitting on top of me. My eyes finally start to adjust to the dark just as I feel hot breath on my face.


I freeze and my brain goes into complete breakdown. He's in my house. He's back to get me. He's going to kill me. Oh God, someone...

I take a deep breath, ready to scream...

“Don't. Fucking. Dare.”

I go no further. His voice sounds dangerous. Deadly. It chills me straight to the core and makes my blood freeze.

He leans right up close. He has a smirk on his face. It's manic. I have no idea what he plans to do to me, but I know whatever it is will be painful.

“You should never have done that you know,” he breathes. “You should never have humiliated me in front of all those people. And you really shouldn't have slept with him.”

I've never been so scared in my life. My whole body is shaking uncontrollably. But all I can think about is Glen. How happy I could have been with him. All the memories we could have made together. I'm pretty sure I'm going to die tonight, or if not then soon.

“Scream, and I will make you wish you hadn't,” he hisses. He takes his hand away from my mouth, and I stay silent. Tears burn my cheeks. I know what's coming...

He doesn't take to long to start his attack. Over and over again the blows hit my body, and I soon manage to numb the pain out. Just like old times...

So when there's a knock on the door, I barely hear it. It takes direction from Nick for me to notice anything has happened.

“Get up,” he hisses in my ear. “And tell them to fuck off. Give anything away, and you know what will happen.”

I drag myself up once he releases me. I wait for him to move out of sight and go to answer the door.

I'm Yours (Book One in the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now