Chapter 10

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It's nearing the end of the first year in university, and my God has it been a rollercoaster. Glen and Amy never really made up, but they're now being civil for the sake of the future. Turns out it will be me, Glen, Amy and Christy living together in our own house when we come back, so we kind of need to get along.

With only one day left, we all decide we're going to go out into the town and spend it together. The entire day. No excuses.

We started off by heading to the shops to buy some beach supplies and now we're all sat on the local beach, soaking up the summer sun. Myself and Christy are playing with a Frisbee that we've just bought whilst everyone else is playing in the sea.

I see Christy grinning at something.

“What?” I shout over to her. She doesn't answer. But she doesn't need to.

Before I can shout again, I'm lifted off the ground and spun around. I scream and grab onto the arms that are around my waist. I hear that familiar laugh and I'm put down. I spin around and smack him on the arm playfully.

“You scared the shit out of me!”

“I bet your face was a picture!” he laughs. “Your scream was hilarious.”

“Oh thanks.”

He wraps his arms around me and it gets me thinking. Over the last few weeks, I've noticed that our relationship has changed slightly. He's a lot more touchy-feely than he used to be, and I'm a lot more cuddly. For example: I was in the kitchen a couple of days ago making myself some pasta and he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. It wasn't intrusive, or any attempt to feel me up. It was just...simple. His head rested on my shoulder and he watched me whilst I cooked. We didn't say anything to each other. Like it was meant to be.

Another example is when we woke up the other night, I rolled over and lay my head on his chest without thinking. And we just talked about all kinds of random things. His arm was wrapped around me, holding me gently. It was quite beautiful actually. Natural.

We haven't decided to become a couple or anything like that. I mean, we haven't kissed sober at all, let alone done anything more intimate. I don't really know what's going on with us. But I like it. It feels comfortable. I don't even know what I would do if he did ask me anyway...

The simple fact is that I have got feelings for Glen. I think it's pretty much safe to say that. But I have enough control over my life, for a change, to not act on them. In fact, I'm not even sure it would be a good idea if we were to become a couple. We have such a connection that I would be terrified of losing it. With my track record, I would more than likely push him away...

I don't even know why I'm thinking of these things anyway. He doesn't feel like that about me. We're just evolving in our friendship. Friends do these kinds of things with each other. Right?

“You've gone again, haven't you?”

Damn it, why do I always do that?!


We leave the beach when the sun begins to go down and head over to the taxi rank. Hey. It's a big hill and we're lazy students. What do you expect?

I'm having a conversation with Christy about our living arrangements next year when I feel Glen take up the space alongside me.

“How's it going, girls?” he asks.

“Just talking about next year,” replies Christy.

“Ah. Yeah. That'll be sweet.” He glares in front of us at Amy's back. She's got Rich's arm around her. “Well. The most of it.”

I'm Yours (Book One in the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now