Chapter 12

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The summer has been and gone. Me and Nick are actually doing alright. I haven't fallen back in love with him yet, but I think I will eventually happen. He's so different this time around. Definitely grown up a lot since we were last together. I would actually say that I'm quite happy in our relationship.

Other people are less happy. Their reason behind it all is that I should be with Glen. That me and him are perfect for each other, and that I have been an idiot to not see that. What they fail to understand is that Glen isn't looking for a relationship. I'm not being an idiot and keeping my heart on hold until he decides that he's ready. Besides, I don't feel like that about him. So I don't understand why they keep pestering me about him all the time.

I'm partially dreading going back to university. I will be away from Nick until he can come to visit, and I can't deal with my friends telling me how stupid I am for making this decision. But I'll get to see Glen again. That pretty much counters all the shit I'm going to get from everyone else.

Since that night, we've been talking just fine. He said that the journey from his family trip had suddenly caught up on him and he just went all weird. It would explain so much. I'm so glad he isn't mad at me or anything. He even wants to meet Nick when he comes to visit. He's been so supportive, I'm annoyed that I even doubted him.

Luckily for me, Nick is coming back with me for the first few nights. He arranged a few days off with his boss to help me move into the new house. I'm so excited to introduce him to all my friends. I know that once they get to know him, they'll really like him. So, I've arranged for us to all go out to the pubs and just chill out. It will be amazing.


At the pub, everything seems to be going so well. No one has mentioned any of their doubts and are accepting Nick as one of their own. The drinks are now flowing and everyone seems to be getting along amazing. I have never been so happy in my life.

“Never have I ever!”

Now that is a game that is guaranteed to make some people laugh and bond. So many dirty secrets can be exposed in this game, and it is guaranteed to make some people drunk too.

“Let's do this!” I cheer.

A good few rounds into the game, and everyone is laughing and getting pretty damn wasted. It's now Amy's turn. She has a glint in her eye, and I'm a little worried. What has she got up her sleeve?

“Never have I ever slept with anyone around this table.”

My heart sinks. This is the worst situation possible. I haven't told Nick about Glen and I. The topic just never came up. It's not like I was avoiding it or anything.

Nick drinks. Amy and Rich drink. I take a drink and glance at Glen. He is looking down at the floor and hasn't taken a drink. Maybe I can get away with this...

“Why haven't you drank, Glen?”

This was Amy's plan all along. She wants to start a fight. Glen glares at her and angrily takes a massive gulp from his pint.

“So, it's obvious who those two slept with,” Nick says to me. “And obvious about us. What about him? Has he slept with Amy?”

Oh God. The whole table has gone quiet.

“No,” I say slowly.

“But no one else drank, did they?”

I don't say anything. I just look at Glen. His face is in his hands. He is pissed off. I feel Nick pull away from me.

“You've got to be kidding me?” he asks angrily. I see Amy smirk from the corner of my eye. Bitch!

“Nick...” I start, turning to him.

I'm Yours (Book One in the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now