Chapter 4

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It's been a few weeks since I started university. And it's pretty much going amazing. I've made a few more friends on my course, and made better friends with my other house-mates. But to be honest, my best friend here is Glen. Since our heart to heart in his room that night, we've just been inseparable. If he needs to go to the shop, he invites me along. If I'm going for a walk, I invite him.

And the best thing is that are not romantically involved. We're just really, really good friends. We make each other laugh all the time, have a surprising amount of things in common, and just feel completely comfortable in each other's company.

We haven't gone out drinking for a while though. Which I find surprising from him. He's pretty much a stereotypical Irish guy, and he has only drank once since being here. I'm not sure if it's because he doesn't want to or because he wants to show me that he really wants to get to know me.

One night, as we're all hanging around in the kitchen, Amy asks if we'd all like to go down to the club in town that she and her new boyfriend met at. Yeah that's right. She has a boyfriend already. Well actually, she's had 2, and slept with a fair few people. But this guy seems cool. His name is Rich, and he's a really friendly guy. Maybe a little too good for her...but that's another story.

I'd like to broaden my horizons some more, so I suggest that we head to a few pubs beforehand. Make a proper night out of it. Everyone agrees and we all head off to get ready. Amy grabs my arm before I head into my room.

“Will you let me dress you?” she asks.

This takes me by surprise. I'm not used to people offering to dress me up for a night out. I just wear whatever I want and hope it's alright. I don't even own a dress...

“Uh...sure...okay,” I say hesitantly. She grins and pulls me into her room. She throws all manners of dresses and skirts at me, insisting that I try each and every one on. Eventually, she seems satisfied with a skirt and top combination and then provides me some suitable shoes. She then sits me down and proceeds to put make up on me. I feel so strange.

There's a knock on the door and Christy pops her head in.

“Are we set?”

“Yep!” says Amy triumphantly and pushes me out the door. Everyone is waiting in the hallway for us. I feel quite exposed. But no one says anything. We all just head on out downtown.

I'm not used to wearing these kinds of clothes, so I fall behind slightly. I'm concentrating hard on not falling over or losing a shoe.

“How's it going?” Glen is suddenly next to me.

“I'm not used to these kinds of clothes,” I say with a giggle. “I feel...girly.”

“You look girly too,” he grins. “D'you need a hand?”

“Nah, I'll be alright,” I lie. Glen just laughs.

“Sure. You'll be on your arse soon if you don't let me help.” The cheek!

“You just want to hold my hand,” I tease. “All part of your master plan of getting me into your bed.”

“Bollocks. Got me figured out.” He laughs. “Are you sure you don't want help?”

“Seriously. I'm fine. I'm a female. I've got to start acting like one.”

“You're a woman?! Well bugger me!” He laughs manically and dodges my pathetic attempt of a slap. I'll get him back for that one.


Pub after pub after pub. I think this may have either been my greatest idea ever, or the stupidest. The drinks are flowing and we're all pretty much drunk before we even hit the club. We're walking down the street, singing at the top of our voices, holding hands, hugging. It's chaos. But so much fun.

I'm Yours (Book One in the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now