Chapter 17: Focusing on the Happy

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**woo, finally, a relevant update**

<Myla's POV>

I was laying with my face in my pillow, my eyes closed, in a pitch black bedroom.

Kiba had said he loved me. And here I was, all geared to end it to save both of us in the long run. And he drops that bombshell on me. And what did I do?

Said it back.

Was it true? Did I love him? Yes, I believe it held truth. I had always loved him, but getting to actually KNOW him on a personal (and romantic) level had definitely strengthened my feelings into more than just a fangirl's crazed obsession. I did love him. But how the HELL was I gonna bring up my topic of conversation NOW?

Kiba knew he had caught me off guard. I faltered, but of course I would say it back. He had then asked what I wanted to talk about, and I had told him that it wasn't important. He seemed skeptical, but didn't press the matter.

Laura wasn't even bothering to text me. She had quit trying two hours ago when she realized I wasn't going to answer. The only living creature that I wanted to interact with was Rosie, and even she had gotten the vibe that I didn't wanna be bothered. She laid on my pillow with one paw on my head, as if to soothe me from a distance.

Most people should feel ecstatic when someone tells them that they love them. And part of me did. But the other part of me was terrified. I wanted to stop this BEFORE it escalated this far... Because now, it would be that much harder to say goodbye.

There was a small knock on the door, and I heard it open. It was my mom, it couldn't be anyone else.

"Myla? Honey?"

"I'm fine," I mumbled, my words muffled by the pillow.

I felt the bed move as she sat down, and put a hand on my back. "I know what happened today. I think you should focus on the happy now, and not the bad that may or may not happen later."

I looked up at her. "You said—"

"I know what I said before, but I'm taking it back. I think you should approach the subject with him, but for now, be happy and enjoy your time together," she said. "You both deserve it."

A million people could have told me that, but the only way it could ever help is when it comes from Mama. My heart felt a little lighter, and I sat up and hugged her. She hugged me back tightly.

"Now answer Laura. She's starting to get mad."

I giggled. "Okay."

<Kankuro's POV>

"She said it back. Why the hell are you so damn mopey?"

Kiba shrugged. "Something seemed off about her. Like, it wasn't normal."

"Myla isn't normal. She's quiet and is generally calm. You probably startled her and she didn't really know how to react," I said. "Chill."

"She hasn't texted me back all night."

"Maybe she's asleep."

"She won't answer Laura, either."

"Again, maybe she's asleep."

"Kankuro it's like 8:00pm."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "She hates you and doesn't love you and is hiding in her room sobbing because she made a commitment she didn't want to keep. She doesn't love you at all but is too nice to say so. Is that what you wanna hear?!"

"No," Kiba muttered.

"Then quit moping! She's fine, just let her process what happened and we'll go from there ! You're driving me ballistic !" I yelled. He shrugged.

I wanted to strangle him.

<Myla's POV>

"She told me to just live for now, and not worry about it."

"Well, your mom is a smart person. Listen to her," Laura said.

"That's the reason I even wanted to break up," I pointed out.

"Well, forget about that. Listen to her most recent advice. And for God's sake, text Kiba," she said. Even though I knew she couldn't see it, I made a puzzled expression.

"What does that have to do with it?" I asked.

"He's pissing Kankuro off."

I giggled. "Okay, fine, I will. He's been texting me, I just haven't been in the mood to answer."

"I noticed," Laura replied dryly. "I'll talk to you later love, good luck."

"Thanks Hun."

After hanging up with Laura, I opened Kiba's messages. There was 7 of them, all asking if something was wrong and if I was okay. I felt better after talking to Mama, and I was looking forward to talking to him.

'Hey, sorry. I was in a weird mood. I'm okay now, don't worry (:'

His reply was immediate. 'You sure?'

'Positive. I'm a lot better now, I kinda took a short doze.'

'Okay cool. You'd tell me if you weren't?'


Even though that wasn't ALWAYS true, I kept a lot to myself, but hey, yanno, I tried to be open.

'You busy tomorrow?'

'Gotta work,' I replied. 'After 5 I'm good.'

'Dinner date?'

I smiled to myself. 'Hells yes.'

';3 see you then My.'

'Shee ya :3'

I locked my phone, yawning. I turned to look at the clock. 9:00pm. Eh, I figured it's good enough for bedtime. Feeling considerably happier, I snuggled up in my bed, and drifted off to sleep.

<Kiba's POV>

I laid in bed, scratching a sleeping Akamaru behind the ears. I had a lot to think about. Sure, I loved Myla, but what was gonna happen if I got back to my own universe? I sighed. Maybe that's what she had wanted to talk about?

I looked at Akamaru, smiling. He had started all of this, and led me to an amazing girl. I gave him a kiss on the head, before rolling over and letting sleep engulf me.

**there ya go :3 next update will be super long ....... Ideas >:3**

-Rei :3

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