Chapter 15: The Conversation.

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**hello faithful readers. Be prepared for a plot twist.**

<Laura's POV>

"You're gonna WHAT?!"

I stared at Myla, absolutely shocked. She nodded, and it was everything I could do not to throw something at her. No, you know what? No. I picked up the nearest thing I could find, which, in this case, was a pillow, and threw it at her, wishing it was a rock. She caught it, looking at me, irritated.

"What the hell, Laura?!"

"No, shut up, I should be the one asking you that question, dammit, what do you mean you want to break up with him?! Have you lost it, I thought you were smart !!"

"Will you listen to me?!" Myla snapped, "It's not like this is easy for me, I just wanted someone to talk to to get a different opinion!!"

"Well here's my opinion, you're out of your ever-loving mind!!" I yelled. After a few moments, to my horror, Myla dissolved into tears.

"Shit, Myla, don't cry, oh..." I muttered, climbing off my bed and onto the floor to comfort my distraught best friend. "Myla..."

Thankfully, she didn't seem to be too mad at me, and she allowed me to wrap her up into a hug as she cried against my shoulder. I rubbed her back, wishing I hadn't yelled at her.

"I don't want to hurt him," she whispered through the tears, "I don't want to leave him. But Mama is right... If I hurt him now... then ... I won't get hurt later..."

I sighed. "Myla, what your mom said is totally and 100% right, as usual," I said, thinking of every time her mom had saved our asses when we had no idea what to do about something, "But the thing is, you have to take that chance, you know? It's easy to see that you two care about each other, and even though it may lead to heartbreak in the end, do what makes you happy now. Did your mother actually tell you to leave him?"

Myla shook her head. "No, she just said to talk to him. Which is what I was gonna do."

"Well, then talk to him. But don't do it before you know what you want to say and exactly how you want to say it. How many times have you seen me about to put my foot in my mouth, and saved me from doing so by telling me to think before I speak? Well now I'm telling you."

Myla sniffled and sat up off of my shoulder. "I'm supposed to meet him at 2 today."

I blinked. "Oh. Well. I guess you better start thinking about what you want to say," I said.

Myla shook her head. "I think I'm going to cancel on him. I told him I had something to run by him, and we agreed to meet. He wants to talk to me, too."

"Don't cancel, Myla. For all you know, he could want to talk to you about some weird thing in this world he doesn't understand."

"I doubt it."

"You never know."

"But what do I say to him if it's something serious? I don't know how to word what I want to say without it sounding like a breakup conversation!" Myla said. She groaned and fell face-first onto the floor, burying her face into the pillow I had thrown at her.

"Don't you want it to be a breakup conversation?" I asked.

"Not if I can help it," came her muffled voice. She sat up again, pushing her ginger hair from her eyes. "Hell, Laura, I don't know what I want."

"You want Kiba."


"You want to avoid hurting him, but also avoid hurting yourself."


"You also want to have a long relationship, but you want to make sure he knows that you're from two different worlds, and you may not have the happy ending you both want."


"You also want pizza."

Myla laughed, momentarily forgetting about her sadness. I grinned.

"Come on. Let's order some Domino's."


<Myla's POV>

Laura and I sat at my house, deciding to just come back here instead of driving all the way back to her place after picking up the pizza. We ate in my bedroom, neither of us saying much. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. 1:45. I looked at Laura, who gave me a somewhat encouraging smile.

"You can do this, girl. Let him talk first, hear what he has to say. If it's similar to what you're thinking, then let your words flow free," Laura said.

"And if it's not the same?" I asked.

"Well, just wing it," she replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks. Will you be here when I get back?"

"I'll be here until you kick me out," Laura said, and I smiled at her.

"Okay. Hopefully this won't take long."


I sat with my back against a tree, waiting for Kiba to meet me. There was a small park about a 10 minute walk from where we lived, and we had agreed to meet there. I closed my eyes, allowing the sounds of nature to calm my rising panic. About five minutes later, I heard the telltale barking of Akamaru, and counted down from 5 in my head. Before I even hit one, Akamaru was in my lap, eagerly licking my face. I giggled, nuzzling him close. Kiba sat down next to me.

"I swear he likes you more than he likes me," he said. I giggled.

"Nah, he just likes me cuz I bring him toys from the pet store," I said, pulling out a tennis ball. Akamaru pranced by my feet, begging me to throw it. I gave it my best whirl, and smiled as he took off after the ball.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, keeping my voice light. Beside me, Kiba sighed.

"It's kinda... complicated," he said. I shrugged.

"Life is," I replied, ignoring my own nausea. "Lay it on me."

"Well... I didn't want to say this, because I didn't know how you'd react. Kankuro and Naruto just kinda told me to go for it," Kiba said, his voice slow, as if he was carefully thinking about each word he said. Part of me really wanted him to say exactly what I was thinking. so that it'd be an easy conversation. The other part of me was praying he wouldn't.

"I'm telling you to go for it too, Kiba," I said. "Part of what we have going on here is being able to talk to one another, right?" I asked. Of course, that made me a hypocrite, because I was dreading saying what I wanted to say.

"Yeah, you're right," he said, nodding. He picked up the ball that Akamaru had dropped at his feet, and threw it, watching as he chased after it with limited amounts of gracefulness.

"Of course I am," I teased lightly, hoping I sounded more at ease than I felt. Inside, I was screaming.

"Truth be told... I love you, My."

Well, that wasn't what I was expecting at all.


**Well... What's Myla gonna do? Hmm... Guess you'll have to wait and see (; Until next time, my lovlies~**

-Rei :3

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