The Mage Chap 24

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*contains mature content by the ending. Not suitable for youngsters. This is an MxM book remember. :)*

The thing about being so powerful that it comes with an equivalent exchange of price. Living alone all this years, I came in contact with a book that change my life completely.

"Dad, I said I can manage please put me down." I finally woke up but it was not 20 years... When I opened my eyes I was praying non stop that 20 years haven't passed. Since my hands were so thin once more I had thought that all my efforts to come back was hopeless and 20 years passed again but..

I was wrong. And I was so glad I thought wrong.

"You have been asleep for the past 2 weeks, you'd gone thin and weak now let me carry you and shut up." I eyed Sig who just smiled at me behind the counter as he cooked my favorite meals. I sighed and then turn my head to look at Lynx, who place a soft blanket on my back.

"Thanks Lynx." He just smiled at me and bowed before going behind the counter and helped Sig made the food. It turns out he is a good cook as well. Are all guardians good cook? I sighed and place my cheek down on James' shoulder. He was carrying me on his back since I can barely stand. I was so weak when I woke up they had to transfer energy to me again. I would loose consciousness every now and then and I'll woke up with either the guardians, or William and my parents transferring energy to me. The spell I used to reverse time was a level 10 spell in Claire de Lune. And it used almost every ounce of my spirit. Making my life energy deteriorate as fast as few seconds.

"Lucas? Are you awake? Do you feel weak? Should I transfer energy to you?" James asked one question after the other. I sighed and he adjusted me on his back.

"No.. I'm fine. Just tired." I unconsciously wrap my arms around James neck and snuggle on his shoulder. He was warm. Just like Sig.

"James?" I heard Katherine's voice and felt her soft hand caress my cheek and hair.

"You should place him down on the sofa." She says but James just stood there..

"James. He's fine. He'll be fine. Stop okay. Don't think too much. He's here isn't he. Our son is here." I felt Katherine kiss my cheek twice and I sighed.

"Mom... " I muttered and heard Katherine's soft giggle.

"See..? C'mon James." I opened my eyes just half way and saw Katherine's hand on James' arm as she guided him by the sofa. I sighed when James slowly place me down and held my shoulders to keep me from falling over, helping me sit up and lean back on the fluffy set of cushions places on my back and neck. I smiled and James' cup both sides of my cheek.

"Son.. Don't scare me like that. I love you too much, don't leave us." He place his forehead down on top of my head and I heard Katherine's gasp as she tried hard to quiet her sobs but it was no use.

"I love you too Dad. That's why I came back didn't I?" James hugged me. Enveloping me in trembling arms. I look over his shoulder and motion Katherine to join us and she did just that.

"I love you, baby."

"Me too, Mom.. Me too." I savoured their warmth and let them let out the tension and anxiety building up this past months. Me as well..

"James, Katherine. He's asleep." I heard Sig's voice and I wondered what could be his feelings now too? When I almost disappear he held onto my body, tightly and almost gave up all his life energy for me. He didn't let me go and I felt that. For the past month he stayed next to me and never left. He made sure that I will not, one day disappear in his arms. He didn't sleep because I felt him whispering words to my ear every night. I can hear him plead for me. Begged me to stay. To wake up. To just even do something to make him feel at ease but I couldn't. One night I heard Lynx asked him to eat but he refused and they almost fought until William came and stopped them. That's when I let out a whimper in my slumber and Sig was next to me again and he was so ecstatic just to hear my slight response. Even just a little glimmer of hope that I was alive, that's all he need.

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