The Mage Chap 9

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"Ugh.. Siggy come on puppy.." I patted his head and he narrowed his eyes at me. He was carrying me in the unmanliness way, princess style but with the help of alcohol I was rather having fun.

"I baked your cake and now this?" He huffed. I turn to where he was looking ad saw a cake with strawberries and blueberries designed on a white, fluffy icing. He did that in one hour?! I groaned and felt another dizzy spell coming.

"Thank you." But I manage to thank him and finally saw his shy, boyish smile.

Sig places me down on the couch and head towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Uh.. Why are you here?" I eyed James who is handing me an advil.

"I took you home. You should never drink that much. You almost chanted a spell thankfully I did stop you in time." I groaned again but I swallowed the advil, taking a sip in the glass of water Sig gave me.

"I can't remember." I mumbled, shifting onto a comfortable position on my couch.

"You left your master, how did that happen?" He address Sig.

"He ordered me to leave him alone for an hour." Sig frowned and head back to the kitchen coming back with the beautifully made cake in his hands.

"Lucas, Happy Birthday." He said. I eyed him and the litted candle on the cake. I sat up and close my eyes.. Wishing..

I wish to be happy..

And I blew the candle, smiling at Sig.

"That's my first birthday cake. Thank you, Sig but I think I'll eat it later. My stomach is turning again." I said and lied back down the couch.

"Lucas." James called and I just kept my eyes close.

"Happy 18th birthday." He stroke my fringe and I couldn't help the smile that got out my lips.

"Thank you."


"Lucas! Lucas let's eat the cake!" I let out a groan while Sig kept on shaking me awake. Well it worked.

Hmm? I open one eye and saw the familiar black and white stripes that is the wall paper of my room. How did I got here?

"Did you carry me here?" I asked him my voice horsed and muffled by the duvet. I blinked to clear my blurry vision and saw him shook his head.

"James did. He just carried you and I almost bit him."

"Why didn't you?" I snicker and he smiled when he heard my little laugh.

"Because he was carrying you, you'll fall if I bit him." He shrug. I run my hand on my chest, feeling the cotton shirt that I didn't think is the same shirt I have before.

"Hmm? My shirt?"

"You got sick and threw up a bit."

"Oh, I can't remember. You changed my shirt?" I sat up and smiled, closing my eyes as Sig reach out to fix my bed hair. He is ever so gentle.

"No, James did that too." James?

"You almost bit him then too?"

"No.. I didn't because I think he was taking care of you and wanted no harm like I was." Taking.. care of me? James did?

"The cake, Lucas." He whined, I snicker and nodded.

"You act so childish sometimes." He pouted and I shook my head.

"You're still here? Oh and I see you invited someone in somebody's apartment?" I stared blankly at Katherine then at James.

"Lucas honey.." Katherine approach me but stop abruptly when Sig step forward, in front of me. I sighed and patted Sig's arm taking his attention to me.

"It's alright Sig. You can cut the cake." I said and he beamed at me. Skipping towards the kitchen. I sighed and sat in the living room. I stared at Katherine and she manage a stiff smile as she sat next to me then James followed suite, sitting on my other side with a huff. I eyed him then turn to Katherine.

"Can you go back to school at least? You can forget the work but.." Katherine started. "I'll promise to change your classes but you have to stop making worms of your classmates hair." She said and I snickered.

"He still has Medusa's hairstyle then?" I scowled, leaning back down.

"We can't turn his hair back. You used Claire de lune's spell that is not in our books. The boy won't stop crying for two days now." She said almost pleading me. I huffed and scratch my hair.

"Fine." I chanted a reverse spell and snap my fingers.

"Done. His hair is red and frizzy again, happy?"

"Thank you, hun" She stroke my hair and I let her. Tsk. Why am I getting soft with this people?! I narrowed my eyes at her glassy eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" She just smiled weirdly at me, I move away from her hand and turn to James who's glaring at my carpeted floor.

"What's wrong with you old people?" I huffed and went straight to Sig who's carefully cutting the cake and placing it on small plates. He was grinning as he hand me my plate.

"Why, thank you." He grinned and ate his own piece. I took a bite and hummed.

"This is amazing, Sig!" He smiled shyly at me and I patted his head making my Mountain Guardian blush. I chuckled and continued eating.

"Want a slice?" I asked James and Katherine who walk in my kitchen. Katherine eyed James then turn to me.

"It's your birthday? Today?" Katherine asked her eyed pooled with tears.

"Yeah..?" Is she crying?

"Kathy, not here." James held her close to him, rubbing her arms and Katherine nodded at him. What's wrong with her? Is it because of what I did? Is it because I disappointed them? I frown at that and totally lost my appetite but I still finished my slice. I don't want Sig upset with me too.

"Lucas.." James was the first to approach me.

"Do you still want to go back?" He lean at me and I look away. "Lucas?"

"If you want to so bad, why not?" I scoffed and saw Katherine smiling at me, wiping the tip of her eyes. She is crying  but why is she smiling? Wasn't she disappointed? I guess me coming might change that. I sighed and look up at James who has the same smile as Katherine. A smile that reaches their eyes.

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