The Mage Chap 4

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"Lucas, Where are we going?" Sig finally asked me after following me everywhere.

"I'm looking for a job." I said. Of course it is a job for him too since he will not leave my side after that order I gave him.

"A job?"

"Yes, Sig. A job." I rolled my eyes and got in a restaurant with a wanted waiter plastered on their window.

"Excuse me, Miss." I tap the waitress' shoulder and she turns around with a fake smile on her make-up filled face. Ugh. That is some thick stuff.

"G'morning, How may I help you?" She asked me. I then watched her gasp and eyed Sig instead. The flushing of her already blush cheeks tell me that she likes Sig. I shook my head and again and rolled my eyes.

"Miss, the wanted post on the window. Can we apply?"

"Y-you and him?" She said but she was eyeing Sig not me. Again, rolling my eyes. I'd lose my eyes on the back of my head if this continues.

"Yes." I'm getting annoyed here.

"R-right this way." She shows off her straight white teeth, seemingly tucking her blonde hair back to her ear. She's flirting! I glared at Sig but he was too busy eyeing the fancy restaurant to notice her. He didn't even notice all eyes were on him. He is someone who gets attention with the height and that looks anyway. I should've let him shift to a wolf instead. Ugh.

"Ma'am. Someone's here for the job." She says to a woman on a beautiful dress. She looks like a royalty. Her ash blonde hair in waves that fall over her bare shoulders. This five star restaurant won't even suite her. She was beautiful. Her green eyes were.. I look away. Her green eyes were like hers. Rachel's.

"Oh, right on time. Come in my office kids." She smiled, her glossy pink lips framing her pearl white teeth. I scowl and jumped when I felt Sig's fingers stroke my cheek. Then he pointed at my wrinkled brows.

"You would always know." I smiled, shaking my head to ease him.

"Should we go?" He asked and I shook my head again. So we followed her in the second floor of this restaurant. Of course she would have an office here. In the size of this place? I don't doubt it that she can even put a pool here.

"Have a seat." I sat down after she did and Sig sat on the floor next to me. I face-palmed and the woman laughs. Fuck! Her laugh even sounded like Rachel's.

"Sig not there! Here!" I pointed on the spare chair in front of me. He stood and sit down, like he was told.

"The Mountain Guardian is very obedient then." I gaped at the woman, quickly standing up. Thinking if I should just run off or what.

"Oh no! It's okay. I will not do anything you wont like. I just noticed from his looks. It's okay. Sit back down." I don't know if it was her warm smile that made me trust her or just her appearance that is deceiving me on believing what she says. I sat back down.

"I'm here for the job not to find another Mage or Sorcerer or another Harry Potter of some sort." She snicker and place her chin down on her palm.

"I know that much. James told me about you but I would never imagine you coming here instead. He was looking for you for days."

"James? So the man we met before."

"Yup. My husband." I rolled my eyes. Of course he is..

"I didn't know anything about that moonlight book! Can we go now?!" I'm getting frustrated about this.

"So you didn't want the job?" I shut up at that. Ugh.

"I don't really need a job. I have money. I just need something to do."

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