Chapter 6

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" is it true ben. Are you moving to Australia?"
Hi was obviously devastated by the news.
" I am but I'm going to do everything I can to stop it from happening. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but I only found out today and I didn't know how to tell you. "
We sat there trying to figure out who might know everything about us and what they would want from us. I reread the letter looking for clues but I couldn't find anything.
" when are you leaving us? "
Shelton spoke up, it was the first thing he had said. He seamed hurt that Ben was leaving.
" I am not leaving you all by choice I HAVE to go. I don't want to leave any of you. "
" yea right , rubbish charlston isn't good enough for old Ben is it well you know what leave now if you want I wouldn't care!!!"
Shelton stormed of home.
" I bet you this is exactly what this person wants. All of us to fall out."
It made sense, if he knows everything about us then he will know that we have changed and we don't know anything about them so if he tears us apart then he could make us  venerable.

We said our good byes and left. I got in and cheked the time 6 o'clock. It had only been an hour. I was stirring all night about who this person might be and what they want with us. I went to my room. Coop jumped on top of me
" boy your getting bigger. "
I was stroking him and fell asleep within 20 mins. 

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