Chapter 24

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I looked at Ben in disbelief. I knew he hated him all the time but right now I think that he had so much hate for him that he could kill him with his bare hands.
" look Ben just listen. I know what we just saw needs to be told to the boys immediately but it's just going to have to wait. I just want to say thank -you. Thanks for doing that thing to save me ,even though it did cause me to pass out, but thanks. I know the boys might think that what you did was stupid or rational. I don't and I think that you did the right thing. "
Ben looked towards me with a smile on his face and engulfed me in a big bear hug whispering in my ear
" anyday for you "
My cheeks turned red and I just wanted to stay in that hug forever but we needed to go and find Shelton and hi. As we let go of each other he grapes my hand tightly and asked. " will you be okay to walk ?"
I nodded not sure whether it was true or not but we began on our search for the boys.

What the hell was actually going on. The last day or two have been horrific. I needed to know who where in this thing to get us. We must have been walking in the Forrest for about five minuets and it was starting to get dark. I hoped that we would find them soon. Al of a sudden a deafening scream filled the Forrest. One that I had only heard once befor and that was because we threw ice cold water over him for a dare in summer time the scream belonged to Shelton.

A/N = sorry about the short chapters but it's been really busy over the past while. Please share my story to your friends and I hope you like it x

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