Chaptrr 17

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We need a plan and quick. I scanned the room for a window or another door but zilch, nada. I am sooooo mad at her. I got up and walked up to the door. The door was wooden but it was to stronge for a normal person to break through. That's it! We're not normal but I haven't connected with the canine inside of me in a while but I need to try. I reached down as far as I could I felt a cold sweat run across my forehead.
"Tori are you okay ?"
I felt all three of them looking at me. I was struggling but I am not giving up. Hi looked into my eyes and saw what I was trying to do and whispered into shel dons ear. He then whispered to Ben and then all three of them were sweating and huffing and puffing trying to become their stronger selfs. I was still struggling but I wasn't sure why.
All of my powers came rushing through me at once. My legs shook beneath me and gave way. The room was spinning and the boys were on the ground gasping. My flare felt stronger and more powerful. The connection in our pack was there , I didn't have to find it and all of a sudden voices filled my head
Hi spoke first." Was it just me or was it hard to take out our flares although it seems stronger?"
"yeah it was really hard to have it belittle now it seems like this is what we should be like "
Sheldon was really confident. What was different with us. Why are we stronger ?

Sorry for the late update will be updating more regular xxx

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