Chapter 7

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Ring. Ring. Ring.
My alarm. I turned around to switch it of as I realised it was 7. Great I was probably going to miss the first period or some of it anyway. I glanced at my phone. 3 missed calls , one from each of them, and two texts from Ben saying hey there how are you xx
Where are you??? Xx
Uggggg. I phoned Ben whilst I got dressed but he never answered. He must have been at school already.
I got down stairs and went to unlock the door when I saw a piece of A4 paper folded in half with Virals writing on the front. A letter from the mystery man. I thought I would safe reading it until we were all together. After school would be the beat time. I won't mention it till then. I got to the shuttle boat and another girl climbed aboard  warily.
"Are you going to Bolton. I am new and don't really know where to go. "
She looked familiar but I couldn't quite place her. She wore thick framed glasses. Her hair was brown and looked pretty natural and her voice sounded really familiar but no names came to mind.
So I replied
" yea I do and I am tori Brennan. If you just follow me you'll be fine but we've probs missed first period. What's your name?"
She smiled. I knew that smile. Grrrrr who is she.
" my name is Haley black. I'm 15 and how old are you ?"
Oh I have never herd her name befor so I must be mistaken. Hmmm.
" the names Brennan, tori Brennan.  Hey Haley would you want to sit beside me and the other boys on Morris at lunch ?"
I thought I'd I get to know her then maybe I would have another friend that is a girl.
" yea sure. "
But there was still something strange about her that I didn't like.

Comment who you think tori thinks Haley black might be.

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