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I couldn't believe Jah and Chosen's ass had left us in North Carolina. I was so fucking depressed without my cousin, but I had to cut that shit out so that my son would be healthy. That's right I was now a little over five months, and found out I was having a son. Cash was so fucking excited, and every time he walks in the house he has a new bag of baby clothes. He already set up the room and even had a crib in there, surrounded with toys.

A little lately Jasmine had been staying to herself, and it didn't seem right to me. I knocked on her door and opened to find her cheesing into her cellphone. She was so distrcted she didn't even hear me knock, or come in.

"Jasmine," I called her name.

She looked up at me and smiled, "Mama can I go to the movies this weekend?"

"The movies with who Jasmine?" I questioned sitting next to her.

"My friend Olivia, and can I spend the night with her? Ms. Autumn already said that it was okay, you can call her if you'd like."

"Yeah I don't have a problem with you staying or going to the movies, but I will drop you off to check out the scenery."

"Thank you," She cheered. "I have to go get in the shower, and get ready."

I smiled, and left out of her room shutting the door behind me. Heading downstairs I found Cash, sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Babe what you watching?" I asked, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Journey what I tell you bout that peckin shit ma?"

I giggled and kissed him again but when I pulled away he sucked on my bottom lip. There was definitely some heat in the room hell it always was, but right now was not the time.

"I'm watching Belly ma," He answered. "This my favorite movie, you remember this?"

"How could I not? I lost my virginity to this movie, you remember?"

Cash chuckled, and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Baby do you wanna meet your older brother?"

My heart sped up just a little, "I guess babe, but I wasn't ready for it."

"Good he's on his way over with his fiance, and their daughter."

I didn't respond I just laid me head on his chest. "You'll be alright Journey they're good people."

"They better be, hell I need a new girlfriend now since Chosen's ass left."

We both laughed and he kissed me on my forehead. "Mama they're outside," Jasmine said running down the steps.

"Who's outside?" Cash questioned.

"Olivia and her parents," She smiled. "I told them you wanted to check out their place, but she said they were already on there way over here."

A few seconds later the doorbell rang, and I got up to answer it. Opening the door I became face to face with a younger version of my father. He looked just liked him with the Hazel eyes and all. In front of him was a little girl who I assumed to be Olivia, and I promise she looked like a tiny version of me. And next to him was his fiance must I admit my brother had taste, because she was really beautiful.

"Sorry for my wife being so rude," Cash chuckled letting them inside.

"Oh I'm sorry," I apologized. "Just didn't think that I would ever see this day."

"Journey I'm your big brother Jaheim," He introduced himself. "But a lot of people know me by Jay."

I held out my hand to shake his, but he looked at me crazy and came in for a hug.

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