Chapter 40- Melly Loses Her Mind Friday February 6 2015

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Trigger warning: Suicide attempt.

The fight has resulted into a suspension for both me and Blake for fighting on school property. We cleaned up the bloody mess in the hallway before we were sent to our homes. That's fine by me. Gives me more father and son time with Danny and my mom a break from babysitting him. That is until Melly comes home and I have to go to my shift at Target. Because I'm not at school, Melly comes in every single day to give me my homework of the day and I'd complete it after I come from work. It's not an easy task so far, but I managed to get through it. I've also been growing a beard lately that I haven't even bothered to shave off only because Melly thought I looked sexy with it. All in all, I'm fine. It's Melly who seems as if life was diminishing in her eyes. She has yet to get some rest, which means that there's a good chance that she will explode at any moment due to all of the stress of everything around that's building up in her brain. I've done everything in my willpower to give her all of my help and support, the two things that she has to accept herself, but unfortunately there's nothing else that I can do rather than let everything play out on it's own. All I can do is that pray that nothing drastic happens. I feel totally helpless at the moment.

I just put Danny to sleep when I heard the door slammed shut. I looked out to see that Melly came home looking dead as ever. She's fidgety, her eyes dead set on the ground. She was biting her bottom lip, common features she does to try not to cry. I was moved by this as I stepped closer to her, but not close enough where she'd feel uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I asked, gently.

She looked at me, her eyes looked sad, but her cheeks are looking upwards as an attempt to hide her misery from me, even though she knows that she can never hide anything from me.

"Nothing. Just nothing." She said as she sniffed. "I'm fine."

"You can't bullshit a bullshitter. I know you better to know you're not fine." I reminded her.

"Just leave me alone. I need quiet." She pushed. "Where's my baby?"

"Our baby is fast asleep in his room." I said, nodding towards the hallway where his room is.

"Great." Melly said as she pushed past me to the nursery.

As if on cue, Danny started crying as she put a hand on the handle. Melly went in to attend his needs. She picked him up, seeming more at peace as she rocked him.

"Whew, you're stinky." She commented, scrunching up her nose in response.

I walked inside the baby room to help her change the diaper. I just gave her supplies as she made our son clean again. Once she was done, she settled him back into his crib, she gave him a kiss on the forehead before she quietly shuffled her feet across the hardwood floor out of the room and into the kitchen. She came back holding what seem like a sharp object in her left hand, attempting to hide it from me as she headed to the bathroom, next to his room. I panicked. I immediately pounded the door, demanding to be let in. If she thinks I am going to leave her in a bathroom all by herself, crying, while she has a sharp object in her hand, she's clearly insane and doesn't know me enough to know that I am not afraid to break down this damned wooden door. But I know it's not the answer this time. I looked around trying to find the key to bathroom, in case we somehow get ourselves locked out of it. I found the metal object and shoved it into the keyhole, opening the door as I did so.

I dropped the key, letting the metal tool clink to the tiled floor as I saw the scene in front of me. Out of all the things that she could be doing, I was praying that she wasn't doing this. There she was with tears staining her face as she hovered the silver blade over caramel-colored skin. I didn't think of anything. I couldn't think of anything else than wanting to get that knife away from her.

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