Niall #1-Sad: Try Again

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"(Y/N), please wake up," I hear my husband beg me. I moan knowing that's it's too early to have to get up. 

"Niall 5 more minutes," I moan moving slightly, feeling something warm and liquid under me. I open my eyes slightly and see a lot of blood. The sight of all of it leads me to faint. Blood in general makes me faint. I became scared for the fact that I was 2 months pregnant with our baby. 


The blinding lights brought me back out of the darkness. The sound of bleeps made me realize exatly where I was...a hospital. The one place I hated in this entore world. 

I've had bad experiances here everytine I was brought in. Once when I was told that I had lost my grandmother. Then when I had gotten food poisoning and after my abusive boyfriend got angry. I hated the hospital. 

Niall knew I hated the hospital, so why the hell did he bring me here. 

"Niall," I moan moving my head slightly. 

I look to my right and seehim sitting in a chair with a tear stained face and his eyes still blood shot from crying. I understand why he's crying though. I don't get it.

"Niall," I croak out again. 

"(Y/N)," he mumbles getting closer to me. He scooches the chair over and grabs my hand. He seems pretty shaky and his voice is hoarse.

"Niall, what's wrong?"

"(Y/N), we- we- we...," I hear him mumble those last few words so I still dont understan what's going on.

"Niall, what happened? Baby, please just tell me," I beg starting to tear up.

"Babe, we lost the baby," he whispers. That's when I completely lose it. My tears start flooding out and Niall pulls me in tighter to him. I feel tears start to fall down his face again. 

"We can try again. I promise, we can try again," he whispers kissing my forehead.

"Niall, we tried for almost a year for this one. What if it's me? What f I can't have kids or God is punishing me for something I did. What if-" I start rambling off all the negative things my head can conjure up at the moment. Niall cuts me off though.

"(Y/N) there's nothing wrong with you. And you have done nothing wrong. The doctors told me that the baby had something wrong in it's development. It wasn't your fault. Princess it isn't your fault." He soothes. 

"I love you, Niall, I'm so sorry." I whisper through the tears.

"I love you too (Y/N). I'm sorry too," Niall whispers. 

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