Chapter Nineteen

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner. I have finals and I'm going crazy with studying. Well who's excited for 'Touchstone of Ra' it premieres on June 17 in the United States and June 14 in the United Kingdom. I finally saved enough money to get my laptop so this chapter is coming to you from my laptop! :)


Finn's P.O.V

It was the middle of the night and I couldn't stop thinking about Amber-Marie. The way her hair falls over her shoulders meeting mid-back. The way she pondered when she was trying to figure something out. The way her perfume smelled when she walked on by, like roses and lilies. The way she giggled when I crack a meaningless joke.

I made my way out of the room I share with my twin brother, Steven. I tried to be as quite as possible so I didn't wake my twin. As I finally got out of my room I crept up the old wooden stairs of the Anubis house. I tried not to wake up Old Man Victor who was sleeping in his office. I finally made it to Amber's room. She doesn't share a room with anyone so that's a good reason because I need to talk to her alone.

I opened her door slightly to see her sleeping peacefully. She looked like a china doll, fragile. Like if you dropped her she would shatter into millions of tiny pieces. I slowly approached her bed trying my best not to sound like a creeper about to rape her. WHICH I AM NOT! I took a seat on her bed so gentle that it wouldn't wake her.

I began to stroke her hair, her eyes slowly popped open. She smiled and put her dainty hand on my cheek.

"Finn." she breathed out my name like she was telling a secret. It sent chills down my body.

I smiled down at her tired but happy expression.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned, "Its the middle of the night." 

"I wanted to talk, I couldn't fall asleep. I was thinking of you." I whispered into her ear smiling. I could tell it sent tingles through her body.

She sat up and fixed her bed hair. Truthfully it wasn't even that bad for bed hair.

"Well, what would you like to talk about Mr. Clarke?"


Liam's P.O.V

I didn't know if I should tell Marisa. I've been thinking about it all night, its bothering me so much that I can't think straight. What if they are need to get rid of the curse of Anubis? What if the are the only chance we have of saving the earth from this great evil.

The Sun and Moon keys helped my mum stop an Evil Robert Frobisher-Smythe. Maybe its my turn to stop a great evil. She stopped Ammut now its my turn to stop Anubis. I need to do this. For Sibuna. For my mum. For the world. And most importantly Marisa...

I tapped my roommate, Andy, till he finally opened his Marisa loving eyes.

"What the heck!?" whispered and yelled Andy, "Rush! Its the middle of the night what could you want at this hour?" 

  "We need to talk to Marisa and Serenity." I rushed the words flowing out of my mouth, "Now!"

After we got Steven and Ethan up the three of us rushed up-stairs to the girls room quickly and quietly.


Serenity's P.O.V

Marisa and I have been up all night. We have been talking since who knows when. We couldn't sleep we were still trying to figure out this mystery. Suddenly the door swung open revealing the rest of the Sibuna. Ethan. Liam. Andy.

Marisa was the first to talk, "What's going on?" Her voice sounded so innocent and calm. I don't understand because I'm extremely nervous. I mean the world might be taken over by some creepy Egyptian god from the underworld that wants us dead.

The boys looked at Liam. He vaguely said, "Sibuna meeting now."

Marisa grabbed her two giant fluffy green pillows and set them on the floor and sat on one. I grabbed mine (Pink duh) and placed them next the green one forming a circle. I sat down. So did the boys. Andy sat on right side of Marisa and Liam on the left. Then Ethan sat on my left and Steven sat on my right.

"My mum." Liam began then paused for a moment. "She gave me something. Told me I would need them. I have a feeling that we would need them for this, and if we do we need to protect them. Carefully." Liam pulled two metal keys from his pajama pants pocket. They were beautiful, one with a sun and one with a moon. Marisa got a good look at the keys.

"Destroyers of evil." muttered Marisa.

"What do you mean?" asked Ethan.

Marisa began to explain. "When our parents, besides my mother and partially Serenity's mother, were in their Senior year here at school evil awoken. Robert Frobisher-Smythe tried to awaken Ammut. A underworld goddess that was pure evil. She tried to make the world run cold of sinners. Robert did end up awakening her. Liam's mom and Andy's dad had to but these two keys in to slots to conceal her back into the underworld." She smiled down at the keys. "These are one of the destroyers of evil. From the stories my mother told me, all we need to find is the Cup of Ankh and the Mask of Anubis and something else. I don't remember what but we will find out sooner or later."

She threw her arms around Liam, he flushed pink and Andy had a jealous expression on his face. I sent him a sympathetic look.

Then we heard Ethan voice, "You know the new kid, Sam?" His voice sounded like angels singing from the heavens. Truthfully I did like him, since last year when he said that I was more beautiful than a sunset. It touched me deeply because I always say how that sunsets are the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Yeah, he seems a bit ya know, uh..." said Liam.

"I think he's kinda nice." muttered Marisa under her breathe. Liam and Andy had an upset look to their faces.

"Well I share a room with him. You guys knew that. But Sam left the room around eleven. He was dressed in all black and had some type of bag in his hand. I think he's up to something."

Steven yawned loudly, "Guys I think we should call it a night. I'm exhausted."

Everyone agreed with the jokester, we did our usual Sibuna sign, and left to back to our beds.


Remember to Vote and Comment for Chapter 20!

I have to go to a  figure skating competition! Wish me luck!!

Thanks my little readers! xoxoxo

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