Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14:


Sorry for the slow update. I have SO many things to get done. From high school classes to my church duties. So I hope you enjoy my treat to you. An extra long chapter of House of Anubis: Next Generation.

Disclaimer: I do not own House of Anubis. That copyright goes to Nick. I only own my OC.

Also, if any of you think the charcter 'Marisa Rutter' is a Mary Sue. She's not. Just because my name is Marisa is my name too doesn't mean that. I named her after my grandmother 'Marisa' who sadly passed away. So she is based off my grandmother not me.

Enjoy this Chapter :D


Marisa's POV

I laughed lightly at Andy's outburst at Steven, and unwrapped myself from Andy brushing my skirt off as I stood up.

I began to speak, "I know all of you're parents have told you about Sibuna. All of you parents have been apart of it." I turned to Serenity, "Your mom and dad were both part of this. Amber was my moms best friend and right hand man, or uh women, beside my father. Your father, Alfie came into Sibuna a little after your mom."

I turned to face Ethan, "You're mother was thought to be the Chosen One. She wasn't, but she was a key role in Sibuna."

I slowly turned to Liam, I don't he had a very glossy confusing glare when he looks at me. I don't know if he likes he or not. "Liam, your mom. She is the Descendent of Robert Frobisher-Smythe. I know she gave you the key. You and that key are important."

"Steven, you're father. Jerome. Wasn't an official Sibuna. But plays a key role, just like you are."

"Andy is the new Osirian and I'm the new Chosen One. You might not believe me, but a great danger is coming. Bigger than any of the ones our parents have faced. We are the once that have to stop it."

Everyone was staring at me, I could tell that they knew mostly everything that I told them. Serenity brought her right hand up to her face, so did the others, including Andy. So I brought mine up to my eye.

"Sibuna." We all repeated at the same time.


Finn's POV

The others are all upstairs, except Amber-Marie and I. She's reading a fashion magazine, the same one that Serenity reads. Amber absolutely adores Serenity, Itty (my cute little nickname for Serenity) is like her role model.

I've known Amber since Freshman year, I've always liked her. I stared to examine Amber as she read the magazine. He bright red curls falling over her shoulders perfectly, her dark brown eye that were like melted chocolate chips in Trudy's cookies.

Amber saw me staring at her from the kitchen table, she giggled a bit and when back to reading her magazine. My face started to turn red, red as a tomato, I just sunk back in to the couch, embarrassed.


Amber-Marie's POV

I was reading my Daily Teen Fashion magazine while the others were upstairs, besides Finn. Finn was doing what every cute little Finn Clarke's do.

Truth is, I like Finn Clarke, a lot. The thought made me smile a bit. It's just I've always thought he had a thing for Serenity. I turned over to look at him on the couch, he was staring at me. SQEEEEEEEE! I giggled lightly and turned back to my article.


Question Time!

Who's your favorite charcter so far?

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