chapter nine

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[university AU]

Reyna never expected university to be so hectic. And with much tension involved.

The trouble was never-ending. Like, it was as if life just jumped at the chance to throw problems at her.

That fiasco with Nico's misunderstanding was only the first. Then came those exams in a hurried flow. After that there was all the trouble she'd had to put in for Athletics as she'd not practiced for, like, what? Two months? It might seem trivial but to her it didn't.

A commotion in the hall startled Reyna from her thoughts.

Peering in cautiously at the groups of students milling around, she entered and caught sight of a blown-up banner hanging from the decorative...posters? On closer scrutiny the sign said:


Reyna sighed in consternation.

A hand on her shoulder stopped her, and she backed out of the crowds to face Nico. The dark-haired boy was staring at the same sign as she was.

"Speech Day, huh? Not my best subject." Nico commented wryly, shaking his head.

"Not anticipating it at all."

He took a step forward, plucking a leaflet out of the jumble of promotional items. "Seriously? Shakespeare drama tryouts? Compulsory?"  His voice rose octaves higher at that 'revelation'.

Reyna couldn't help laughing at his expression, delighting in his disbelief.

"It'll all be okay if we're assigned to the sa-"

The boom of the microphone and loudspeakers halted their conversation abruptly, turning their attention to the lone figure standing on the stage.

"Quiet, members of Purple House!" The housemaster, Mr. Hayes' voice rang commandingly around the hall. "We are to bring to your attention that there will be an annual Speech Day and Drama Week-"

His voice was drowned off by a chorus of groans and protests.

"Even if we're not studying Drama?"

"So early? That schedule is, like, unbelievable."

"Clashes with my other practices."

"Just. Like. High. School."

The aggravated comments burst out all over the crowds.

"Silence!" Mr. Hayes glared at them with a stern look. "This is the final decision of the school Council, and there will be no exceptions! Now back to your classes!"

Reyna and Nico glanced at each other with identical expressions of exasperation.

"Let's go."


It was English, and boring as usual.

Ms Farrell was droning on with no end, and Reyna felt herself nodding off to sleep, slowly but surely. She'd had to stay up until midnight the last day, and she'd had to write an essay early in the morning. She had literally no energy right now.

Especially with that thick grammar practice book as a pillow. She couldn't resist.

She was just slipping away as Ms Farrell raised her voice a little higher.

"Casting of Shakespeare drama to commence..."

Reyna snapped out of her daze upon hearing those words. She glanced up expectantly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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