chapter seven

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[prom AU]

Nico ducked his head sitting by himself on a lone chair in the hall.

He didn't have anything to do. Not considering, the whole school was at prom behind the rolled-down blinds of where he stayed.

The atmosphere around him stayed gloomy as ever, him sighing and taking out his laptop to finish his long-late interview applications for universities. He kicked idly at the floor, not noticing the pain, in an exceptionally moody state.

There was a rustling sound behind the blinds and he heard a faint voice speaking.

"Oh, god, what's up with this curtain thing, why can't I-oh!" The blinds swung open with a forceful crash and he jumped, meeting the eyes of the person behind it.

Nico sighed.

"Hi, Hazel." he moaned rolling his eyes.

"Ooh, why aren't you at prom?" Hazel's face was flushed from dancing and she had a big grin on her face.

"Long story." Nico gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the applications in his hand.

In truth, it was all to do with Reyna.

Nico wasn't sure if he wanted to go to the US anymore, frankly speaking.

No pun intended, he added with a wry smirk as Frank himself pulled Hazel back onto the dance floor.

He got up from the chair, pushing heavily on the metal fire escape door to head back to the common rooms. It was getting a bit stuffy here. Both literally and figuratively.

For the blasted memories were crowding up his space.


[university AU]

Reyna dashed up the path to school, finally reaching her House and crashing through the double-iron doors.

"Oh, damn it," she cursed under her breath, "I'm late..."

Rushing up to her bunk she grabbed her gym stuff and rushed out to her track meet.

She caught the earliest bus she could, darting in and flopping down on a seat.

Late for 10 minutes.



She grew agitated as the bus got caught in a traffic jam.

Her phone buzzed with a shrill ringtone, causing her to sigh in frustration.

"Ugh, who at this hour?" she moaned while tugging it out of her pocket.

You have one text from Nico.

Reyna sighed, opening the app. To be honest, she hadn't heard from Nico for a long time, not since she bombarded his inbox with emails.

Truth be told, she hadn't heard from him since their last chat, which had been ages ago when he cut their connection to Skype.

Or maybe it had been a malfunction.

She pushed her hair out of her eyes, and drove her mind away from errant thoughts. She needed to focus.

With a glance at the traffic she opened the attachment and started to read.


"Dear Student,

May we offer our warmest congratulations on being accepted to Hampton High, and welcome you to our school community!

Dreams VS Reality--A Reynico AUWhere stories live. Discover now