chapter four

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[ first date AU ]

Reyna turned on her computer and logged on to Youtube. She decided to re-watch the old episodes of the Marathon Finals. She didn't have much to do anyway, considering she was out of school, and didn't miss it one jot.

Clicking on the video she pressed Play and was just plugging in her headphones as her phone buzzed.

"At this ungodly hour? Jeez," Reyna complained as she glanced at the clock: 12 midnight.

She checked Caller ID and was startled to see an unexpected name.

Call from Nico <3

What?! Seriously?! Suddenly excited, she abruptly stopped the video and cleared her throat nervously before pressing answer.

"Hi, Reyna here. What's up?" She tried to keep her voice cool and collected despite it being only two days since graduation when she had last seen him.

It had been the best day of her life, strictly speaking.

"Hey Reyna, it's Nico here. I wanted to ask you something..."

Reyna marvelled at the soft tone of his voice. She wouldn't have recognised his voice if it were half a year ago when they met at Hazel's party. He was broken then, she realised with a wince.

She made a mental note to thank Hazel for inviting her to the party then.

Otherwise she would have never met Nico.

Jeez, Reyna, when did you start getting so cheesy? She reprimanded herself, but smiling all the same.

"I know," she chuckled. "Go on, ask me."

"Uh..." he seemed hesitant to continue.

She grinned. "Come on, Nico, I don't bite," and she was rewarded by his light laugh from the background.

"I wanted to ask, if you'd be free tomorrow?"


Nico bit his lip, cringing at his own daring.

He was literally dying from embarrassment and humiliation. Whatever possessed me to do this?

He waited with bated breath for Reyna's reply.

"Oh, yeah, you know that I'm free for the whole year, right?" Her sweet voice came through the receiver, and Nico breathed a sigh of relief.

He shook his head. "Of course."

A smile was spreading across his face. He seemed to be smiling a lot these days. However he couldn't decide whether that was for the better or for the worse. Certainly it improved his persona.

"Alright-" Nico pulled himself back together. "So, how does-" he checked his schedule- "three, at the Starbucks we first went to, sound?'

"Awesome! I'll be there three sharp." Reyna sounded excited: he hoped she was.

"Great." He took in a deep breath. "I'll text you again, kay?"

"Sure..." Reyna trailed off on the phone. "And Nico..."


"I wanted to ask you something too."

"Okay...?" He raised an eyebrow at her tone.

"Is this a date?"


"Yep, definitely." Nico answered her previous question once Reyna had stepped into the shop- "It's definitely a date."

Dreams VS Reality--A Reynico AUWhere stories live. Discover now